Page 16 of Uncovering GigaByte

Everything lookedquiet at the house. Was Kyle right and he was overreacting? No, that was a stupid question.

Hunter parked in his garage, leaving the door up, just in case, and entered into his pristine white kitchen. For the first time since Kyle had come to stay, the house was clean. Well, all but the guest bedroom and bath Kyle was using. Hunter closed the door when the teenage boy odor hit his nose. He finally understood his mother’s reaction to his hygiene all those years earlier.

After walking through the house, Hunter felt it was safe enough to come home and sent a text telling Kyle so.

Returning to his open garage was his first sign of many that would replay in his head later.

The cloth covering his nose and mouth, with a floral scent that he knew had to be chloroform, was clue number two. Just before blacking out, the black hood being placed over his head was the third confirmation he needed. His last conscious thought was how glad he was that Kyle was still safe at the hotel.


“Do we own up?” Falcon asked Ghost the following morning. “You know her better than anyone else. How pissed is she going to be?”

“She’ll understand. Ivy wants to protect Byte just as much as we do.”

“Are you sure, mate? Ivy shoots first.”

“Why and who am I shooting first, Seven?” Ivy asked when she stumbled upon the men’s little chat.

“Honey, it’s really nothing,” Ghost tried to reassure.

“So why don’t you tell me, Justin, and let me decide how pissed I’m going to be.” Ivy placed her hands on her hips and asked, “Or will it be another FUBAR situation?”

“Nothing like that. The boys and I decided to pay a little visit to Kyle and his brother.”


Dang it, he knew she was mad when she used his moniker.

“It was harmless,” Seven jumped in to say.

“He’s telling you the truth,” Falcon confirmed.

“You two,”—she pointed between Ghost and Seven—“I expect this from. But you,” Ivy said, pointing at Falcon, “you’ve been here less than a week, Tobey, and you’ve already joined in on one of their schemes.”

“Sorry,” Falcon quickly replied. “But honestly, Ivy, it wasn’t anything more than a scare tactic. They never saw us, and we left them unharmed. It was just words and stuff.”

“Stuff like perhaps restraints or threats? That kind of stuff?”

When none of the men replied, Ivy shook her head and continued walking toward the war room. “You’ll have Byte to deal with. I’m the least of your worries, gentlemen.”

After Ivy was out of sight, Seven swore. “That went bloody well.”

“Any chance she won’t tell Byte?” Falcon asked.

Seven and Ghost looked at each other, then back to Falcon and shook their heads in unison. They were not going to like Byte’s reaction based on how Ivy responded.

“Lovely. She already hates me, so just blame me,” Falcon stated.

“She doesn’t hate you… This is just Byte’s way. When she makes friends, she’s loyal to a fault. Their enemies become her enemies. You’re just not on her good side yet, but you will be,” Ghost stated.

He didn’t have to wonder which side he was on when he walked into the room. She stood there glaring at him. Why him? Ghost and Seven were there; heck, it was Ghost’s idea.

“This was what you did to Turbo, wasn’t it?”

“Excuse me?” Falcon asked.

“Scare tactics, intimidation, threats.”