Page 11 of Uncovering GigaByte

“Sit,” the Brit ordered as he slightly pushed them onto metal chairs.

The chairs were side by side, which gave Hunter a bit of ease. At least he knew where his brother was.

“Okay, Ghost, here they are,” the American said.

“Ghost?” Hunter asked. “I don’t know why we’re here, but we are not who you think we are.”

“You’re not Hunter Higgins? Are you Kyle, his brother?”

“Um, yeah, that’s me,” Kyle answered.

“Kyle!” Hunter exclaimed. He didn’t want his brother communicating with these men. He might not be able to physically help his brother, but he would protect him any way he could.

“You’re Ghost?” Hunter asked and was surprised at how strong his voice sounded.

“Let’s just say that I’m your last chance. You are being warned… stop searching for GigaByte.”

“Who?” Hunter asked in confusion.

“You know who I’m talking about, don’t you, Kyle?”

“Yes,” Kyle stammered.

“Who is this GigaByte, Kyle?”

“Hunter, I’m sorry,” Kyle said instead. Hunter could hear the fear in his brother’s voice.

“Kyle,” Ghost called. “Are you going to stop trying to find her?”

“She really is a girl. I thought so,” Kyle said in near reverence… Completely failing to understand the situation.

“Kyle, pay attention,” Ghost snapped. “I’m warning you. If you don’t leave GigaByte alone, we will find you again, and this time you won’t like what will happen. You get me, Kyle?”

“Okay. I’ll stop.”

“Good boy, Kyle. Now, why are you trying to find her?”

Kyle knew better than to tell them why. Now there were more people and instructions to follow. If he stopped and listened to Ghost, the client would come after him and his family. He had no doubt he wouldn’t simply issue a warning like Ghost was.

Ghost must be working with Byte, Kyle assumed. Would she hurt him or Hunter? What little he knew about Byte, she was a champion for the underdog. She was a thief, but not a killer. So as much as he wanted to leave Byte alone, the truth was, he was afraid of the client more than Byte, even more than the men standing before him.

Kyle was deep into his internal debate and forgot to answer Ghost’s question.

“Good, now that that’s as clear as mud, can someone tell me what’s happening?” Hunter demanded.

“All you need to know is,” the Brit said, “if your brother stops searching for Byte, you’ll never see or hear from us again.”

“And if he doesn’t or can’t?” Hunter hoped those two weren’t options, but he needed to know the answer.

“We won’t play nice,” another male voice said with confidence and an edge of danger.

Hunter didn’t care who this GigaByte was. He didn’t want to see any of these men again. He’d watched enough TV to know that.

“Will you let us go now?” Hunter asked.

No one answered.

“Hello?” Hunter called out.