“Oh,” Eden said. “That makes sense. He did join the military. Followed in my father’s footsteps. It’s just that we rarely see him, so I figured whatever he did was top secret. He’s often gone for months at a time and I haven’t seen him in two years.”

Swanny wasn’t about to tell her why or give details as to Hancock’s activities or go into any further details about his role in the two KGI missions. There was simply no need, and she’d already been dealt enough shock. He wanted her as stress free as was possible given the circumstances, and more than that, he wanted her to have faith in him and his vow to protect her and keep her safe.

“We should go,” Joe announced. “The car is here. The new hotel has been secured and security measures implemented. You’ll be checked in under an alias and officially checked out of this hotel. With the new filming location, it’s our hope that we’ve laid the groundwork for it to appear as though you’ve left the country.”

Eden looked perplexed by Joe’s explanation.

“We had a double visibly leave the hotel and head to the airport, complete with paparazzi coverage. She’s currently on a plane to the U.S. under your name. The car that will be taking you to the studio is tinted so no one will be able to see inside, and we’re all cramming into one so it won’t look suspicious for a caravan to suddenly depart the premises.”

Eden’s eyes rounded. “You’ve thought of everything.”

“I hope to f**k so,” Swanny said. “We’re not taking any chances with your life, Eden. I won’t lie. I wish you were on a plane back home, but I also understand how important this is to you and your career.”

She touched his arm, her eyes warm, as she met his gaze. “Thank you, Swanny.”

“Okay, let’s roll,” Joe said, a hint of impatience in his voice. “Take your places and let’s get the hell out of here.”


THE tension in the studio on the outskirts of Paris was thick, a tangible air that permeated every single person working. Except Eden. Swanny didn’t know how she did it, but she pulled it off with perfection. Smiling as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Playing to the camera. Saying her lines in a smoky, husky, sexy-as-hell voice that kept him hard for the better part of the day.

There was posted security around the entire perimeter, and Skylar and Nathan had taken position on the roof with their sniper rifles, doing constant recon and reporting to Joe every half hour.

Every single member of the filming crew, including the director, much to his displeasure, was thoroughly searched before being allowed in, and Swanny’s team had done a sweep of the entire studio much earlier that morning before returning to the hotel to bring Eden in.

Swanny, Joe and Edge were on the inside with Eden, standing just off the set and out of the camera range but close enough to cover her quickly if things went south. Swanny was the closest to her, purposely positioning himself in front of Edge and Joe so he could keep close watch over Eden.

Even the director was uncharacteristically silent. He was on edge, nervous and jumpy, and his mood quickly spread to his crew, who were every bit as agitated as he was.

It was clear they were scared shitless, but there was also admiration in the director’s eyes each time Eden pulled off a flawless performance and he called it a wrap.

Eventually her calm spread to the rest of the crew, and by the afternoon, the tension had dissipated and the mood was much more relaxed. No one jumped at the slightest noise any longer. It was as if she held them all in her thrall, and, well, he supposed she did just that. He knew he certainly wasn’t immune to her. She just had a way of putting those around her at ease, and yet Swanny knew just how scared and upset she was behind the calm facade.

It only made him admire her all the more for being able to maintain her composure and act as a reassuring presence when it was he and his team who were supposed to have that job.

Every once in a while, between shoots, Swanny could see the calm slip just a bit, and he saw the fatigue and fear in her eyes. The sorrow as she was still processing all she’d learned in the last twenty-four hours. And hell, the woman could have died. Again.

Two brushes with death in a short period of time and yet she was stalwart and a consummate professional. He’d never met a woman like her. Never met her equal and he knew he never would. There would never be another woman for him. Not after her. How could any other woman ever measure up? Who else would accept him and his faults? His scars, both external and internal.

She looked up as if sensing his gaze, and her eyes immediately warmed and she smiled, the tiredness and fear drifting away as if she drew comfort and strength from his presence. Ironic, since everyone else was drawing comfort and peace from her.

“If we can get in another hour, we’ll be ahead of schedule and can wrap up by noon tomorrow,” the director announced. “Great job, everyone. And Eden, you’re fabulous as always.”

A cheer went up from the crew, and Eden smiled with her usual grace. “I’m sure under a different director we would indeed be behind schedule. You did a wonderful job, Lonnie. As always. I can’t imagine working on this project with any other director.”

The director flushed at Eden’s praise and dragged his finger around his collar as if uncomfortable. The cantankerous, brusque director was as enthralled with Eden as everyone else, though he tried to hide it with his bark. Right now, though, Swanny was imagining a satisfied cat cuddled against Eden while having its head stroked as the director preened and actually smiled—a genuine smile—at Eden.