Skylar pulled away frowning. “But, Eden, that’s terrible. It’s a terrible way to live and work. How do you handle knowing all of that? How can you even be nice to women you know would turn on you in an instant? In my job loyalty isn’t just something. It’s everything. We depend on one another for our very lives and I know without a doubt that any of my team would put themselves on the line for me in a heartbeat.”

“I think that’s awesome,” Eden said wistfully. Then she laughed. “Listen to me. I sound like a poor little rich girl. I do have that. My father and brothers would lay waste to any threat to me. Hell, they hired you. But as far as outside my family, I don’t have confidantes. People I know I can trust absolutely or who I don’t feel have a motive for wanting to get close to me. Isn’t that horrible?”

Skylar shook her head as Eden bent to pull on the pair of crystal heels with the hint of sparkle that matched the dress.

“I don’t think it’s horrible at all. It’s called reality, Eden. I’m sure you’ve had your share of hanger-ons and a number of people who would take advantage of you in a heartbeat. I’m sure it’s something all celebrities have to contend with. There’s nothing wrong with being discerning about who you place your trust and faith in, and for reserving judgment and not wanting to be BFFs with the first woman who crosses your path.”

Eden chuckled. “You are extremely astute. However do the men put up with you? I can’t ever imagine them winning an argument with you. You have a solid, intelligent comeback for everything.”

Skylar grinned. “Well, you mix intelligence with a streak of evil and that way they never know what they’re going to get. Works best when you keep them off balance. Way easier to manage them that way.”

“I seriously heart you,” Eden said as they walked to the door where Swanny waited. “We are so keeping up after all this is over. No way I’m letting go of my first real potential girlfriend.”

“Does that mean I get to accompany you on the red carpet at some swank Hollywood get-together sometime?” Skylar asked slyly.

“Yup. You and me both in killer dresses and f**k-me shoes? We’d have the room of men on their knees. Now carry that image with you while I work the rest of the afternoon.”

Skylar laughed but Eden could see she was doing just that. Imagining her and Eden, partners in crime at some posh get-together where neither would give a rat’s ass what anyone thought of them.

“Do I even want to know what the two of you are plotting?” Swanny asked warily.

“Nope,” they said in unison. “Just girl stuff.”

Most men couldn’t back out of a conversation quick enough when the dreaded words girl stuff were mentioned, and Swanny was no exception. He cupped Eden’s elbow and Skylar fell into step on Eden’s other side as they hurried her down the hall to the studio.

There with two whole minutes to spare and Eden knew without false modesty that it didn’t look as though she’d hurried through any of her preparation. She exuded calm and stood waiting patiently on Lonnie to bark his first instruction.

He glanced up at Eden, lifting one eyebrow as he checked his watch. Eden suppressed a smug grin. He’d so been itching to start bellowing insults and now she’d taken the wind from his sails.

And so the rest of the afternoon went. Lonnie—a completely different person than he’d been during the morning session—bellowed, bullied and was all-around difficult, and Eden only smiled wider, performed to his expectations and was completely unruffled by his bullshit.

Swanny, on the other hand, looked as though he was a breath away from choking the life right out of the director. Eden caught his eye once and gave a quick negative shake of her head and then mouthed “Later,” hoping he’d catch her meaning that she’d explain everything afterward.

One had to know how to yank Lonnie’s chains back. The minute Swanny got into his face and let Lonnie know how much he pissed Swanny off, it would become Lonnie’s sole ambition in life to torment Swanny by tormenting Eden. It was far more satisfying to deny Lonnie what he wanted, which would only enrage him further and make him feel a fool when it was all over with.

Still, Swanny spent the rest of the afternoon glowering in the corner, looking as though he’d swallowed a lemon. The sad truth was that him all broody? Was sexy as hell. It made her want to go bite him. Where she wasn’t even sure. Maybe on the thick column of his neck. Or even his chin. Or that rock hard abdomen. Either way she was salivating over the prospect.

His ass. Oh, now that was definitely a tempting prospect.

“Whatever the hell you’re thinking about, keep thinking it,” Lonnie barked. “Give me more of that. Love it. Sultry as hell, Eden. You’ll have the world eating out of your hand.”

She lifted her gaze to purposely meet Swanny’s so he’d know exactly what she was thinking about. Or rather who.

His eyes became half-lidded and he returned her stare with a smoky, desire-laden one of his own that nearly had her squirming in her awkward pose. Hell, they were practically making love on the set of a commercial and they were half a room away from each other.

Lonnie was oblivious to the undercurrents, too deliriously happy with the results he was getting from Eden. But Skylar glanced between them with an almost wistful look in her eyes. But she also looked happy. She looked at Swanny with pride and at Eden with a warning in her eyes.

We may be becoming friends but if you hurt him you’ll answer to me.