“That sounds heavenly,” Eden replied, touched by the depth of his caring and the fact that he saw to her every need.

A little while later he came back into the bedroom and lifted her into his arms, cradling her against his chest. It was a novel experience to have a man pick her up and carry her anywhere. She was tall and though she didn’t weigh much, she was still tall enough that a normal man wouldn’t have been able to carry her.

But Swanny was hardly “normal.” Could never be considered average. He was muscled, absolutely fit and so very strong. He made her feel cherished in a way she’d never dreamed of being cherished. She sighed as he lowered her into the bathtub and then sat on the closed toilet, watching as she relaxed into the water.

“There was a little blood on the sheets too,” Swanny said quietly. “And I cleaned some off you and me. I hate the idea of having hurt you. I would have done anything to spare you that pain.”

“You didn’t hurt me,” she denied. “It was a little uncomfortable at first, but as big as you are I think I would have felt that slight discomfort even if I hadn’t been a virgin. You did everything right. Perfect. You were so slow and patient and so very gentle. I couldn’t have possibly asked for a better first time. I mean that truly.”

“I’m glad,” he said gruffly. “I’m still just blown away by it all. It will take me a long time to come to terms with the gift you gave me, that you trusted and wanted me. It’s hard to take it all in.”

She slid deeper into the water, letting it lap to her neck, and sighed in pleasure at the hot water she soaked in. He was right. She was tender in her vaginal area, but the hot water was doing wonders to alleviate that discomfort.

“One day you’ll see yourself the way I see you, Swanny. If it’s the last thing I do, you’ll see a loyal, fierce warrior, a survivor, not to mention a gentle man with a heart of gold and not an ounce of meanness in his body. At least not toward me. I know enough about your job to know you handle some sticky, hard situations, but with me? You’re nothing like you present to the world. I see the real you, the man behind the scars, and I like what I see a lot.”

“You have to stop,” he said gruffly. “Because I’m an inch from hauling you back into the bedroom and making love to you all over again, and that’s not what you need right now. You need time to heal and to feel better.”

“But you can still take me to bed and hold me,” she said wistfully. “I’m done soaking. What I really want are your arms around me and for me to sleep against your body.”

“Now that I can do,” he said as he moved forward to help her from the tub.

He took out one of the huge fluffy hotel towels and wrapped it around her body, wiping every inch of moisture from her skin until her flesh was pink and glowing. Then he dried the small amount of water that had gotten her hair wet and then guided her back into the bedroom, where he gestured for her to climb into bed.

As soon as she was settled, he slid in next to her and she immediately burrowed into his chest, seeking his warmth. She twined her legs with his and wrapped one arm around his waist, anchoring him to her.

He kissed her forehead and stroked away the strands of hair in her face.

“Good night, honey. Sleep well and dream of me.”


SWANNY awoke slowly, gradually climbing from the deep sleep he’d fallen into once Eden had tucked herself into his body. He was usually a morning person and never wasted time lying in bed once he awakened. At home or even on a mission there was always too much to do just to lie around and be lazy, but this morning?

He was sated and utterly content with Eden sleeping nestled in the crook of his arm, her head pillowed on his shoulder. He could spend all day just lying with her, holding her. He knew she needed time to heal before they made love again, but he was just as content to enjoy the intimacy that cloaked them.

He listened to her soft breathing and ran his fingers lightly through her blond hair, just wanting to touch her in some way. He checked the bedside clock and nearly groaned. He’d have to get her up in just a few minutes so she’d have plenty of time to get ready for her shoot. And all he wanted was to continue holding her in his arms, allowing the memory of their lovemaking to flash in his mind over and over.

Never had he experienced such a strong connection to another woman. Or even another person. His team and KGI were his family now, but nothing compared to the way Eden made him feel. Like he mattered. That he wasn’t just a man on a standard mission, in and out without any kind of emotional bond. He wasn’t just a hired hand, he was a part of a team, but while he had a strong bond with his teammates, what was between him and Eden far surpassed what he felt for KGI—his family.

KGI—and his team—would always have his loyalty, and until now he would have said that nothing would ever be stronger than his commitment to his team. But Eden had changed all of that for him. He supposed this was what had happened to Rio and Steele, the leaders of the other two teams. They’d given KGI their absolute loyalty and the team came first, but after meeting their women, now their wives, he could understand why KGI now came second to their own families and to the women they loved.

It had happened to the Kelly brothers as well. Donovan had just met and married his wife and he was taking a more administrative role, as were Sam and Garrett since they had new babies. More and more the three brothers who’d founded KGI were giving more responsibility to the teams led by Rio, Steele, and then Nathan and Joe, the two men Swanny served under with Skylar and Edge.