“You completely misunderstood what you saw between Swanny and me,” Skylar said gently. “He was kicking himself in the ass for hurting you, and I was attempting to offer encouragement. Swanny isn’t the most confident when it comes to his appearance. Now, in every other aspect, he’s like whoa. He’s damn good at his job and he is not to be f**ked with. But the scars bother him more than he lets on. The memories of how he got those scars are even harder for him to deal with.”

“So you aren’t involved?” Eden asked hopefully.

Skylar shook her head. “Nope. We’re friends. Good friends and teammates. We have a bond, but it isn’t romantic.”

“Does it make me a total slut that I’m relieved?” Eden muttered.

Skylar’s eyes sparkled. “I think you would be very good for Swanny. But he’s also worried about you breaking his heart. Swanny isn’t most guys. He doesn’t f**k around for the sake of f**king around. And you wouldn’t be a notch on his bedpost. I mean, it wouldn’t go on his scorecard that he made it with the world’s most beautiful woman like it likely would be for some guys.”

“Ouch,” Eden winced. “Talk about a shot to my ego.”

Skylar smiled. “Just saying it like it is. I’m sure you have your fill of guys who’d love to get into your pants for no other reason than to say they’ve done it. But Swanny isn’t like that. I don’t want him hurt, Eden.”

Her expression became more serious as she studied Eden.

“But somehow I don’t think I need to worry about you breaking his heart. You don’t seem like the type to f**k around.”

“Thanks for that, at least,” Eden muttered.

“Look, just cut him some slack. I think he’s still in shock that you’re remotely attracted to him. And he’s probably arguing with himself because you’re a job and our job is to protect you, and if he gets emotionally involved, that will f**k with the mission. But hey, most everyone in our outfit met their significant other while on a mission, so it’s not like it hasn’t happened.”

“Do I have a shot with him?” Eden asked in a low voice. “He told me a little about what happened. But I’m not at all sure what I’m dealing with here.”

Skylar’s expression softened. “If he told you anything at all, then that’s a good sign because he doesn’t talk about it to anyone. He still has nightmares. We’ve all witnessed them but we don’t mention it because it makes him self-conscious. And yeah, I’d say you have a shot with him. You’re just going to have to be patient as he wars with himself over whether he can juggle the job and a relationship with you too.”

“I can be patient when it comes to something I want,” Eden said softly.

Skylar’s mouth quirked. “I like you, Eden. You’re not at all what I was expecting.”

“I’m not even going to ask,” Eden said dryly. “But I’m glad that whatever you thought I was didn’t turn out to be that way.”

“I’m going to go kick Swanny back out of my room. He’s stewed long enough. He’s probably kicked himself in the ass enough that it’s sore by now. Go easy on him. He’s a man, after all, and they’re incredibly thick when it comes to women. Believe me, I’ve seen it all,” she added with a roll of her eyes.

“I like you too, Skylar,” Eden said with a grin. “Anyone who can handle all that testosterone and hold their own certainly has earned respect.”

“Swanny likes you,” Skylar said bluntly. “Don’t let him f**k it up, Eden. He’s not used to contending with women wanting to be near him, and I’m guessing it freaks him out.”

“Now that I know, you can be sure I’m not going to give up so easily,” Eden said in a determined tone.

Skylar smiled again. “Awesome. Can’t wait to see him fall hard. This will have to be documented for posterity.”

Eden joined in her laughter, feeling at ease for the first time since this whole clusterfuck had begun. A few days in Paris, with Swanny basically her captive audience? It was plenty of time to work her magic, provided she had any.


SWANNY let himself in the door as quietly as possible, though it was stupid of him to tiptoe around. But after making a total horse’s ass of himself with Eden, and then Skylar having to smooth things over, he was feeling like a first-class moron.

Skylar hadn’t said much, just that she’d explained “things” to Eden, whatever “things” was supposed to mean. Sky had worn a mischievous expression, though, and her eyes had sparkled with amusement when she’d told him to get his ass back over to his room and quit acting like an idiot.

Then her expression had gotten more serious as she’d told him not to f**k up his chance with Eden. What chance? And how had things progressed to this point so damn quickly? He’d only met the woman a little over twenty-four hours ago and it boggled his mind that he supposedly had a chance to mess up. Or get right.

He wasn’t sure whether he was relieved or disappointed when he found the living room empty and the door to Eden’s bedroom closed. He realized that he was a total chickenshit, which didn’t sit well with him. When it came to his profession he had confidence in spades. But on a personal level? Relationships? Confidence wasn’t a word that was exactly in his vocabulary. And definitely not with a woman like Eden.