Page 67 of Uncovering Voodoo

“Let’s go have some lunch,” Ivy told the girls. “My treat.”

“I’m there,” Byte said first.

“Me too,” Aria and Voodoo agreed.

After the four women took their seats at the Thai restaurant down from the office, Ivy turned her attention to Byte.

“We have a lot to talk about, ladies, beginning with you, brat.”

“Who, me?” Byte asked innocently.

“You aren’t fooling anyone,” Aria agreed.

“You’ll feel better once you confide in someone, and who better than those you can trust,” Voodoo said.

“Byte, who’s Chloe?” Ivy asked the girl she’d grown to trust and love.

“I’m not ready to talk about her, not yet, but I promise, I’ll tell you when I’m ready. Just give me some time.”

“Alright, sweetie, just know we’ve got your back,” Ivy added.

“Fine, but I think it’s time for Voodoo to spill the beans. What’s it like living with Cautious Carter?”

“We’re doing great. Better than great.”

“I’m so happy for you both,” Aria said in all sincerity. No matter how uncomfortable Carter felt around Seven, Voodoo and Aria had worked through their problems.

“I always thought women held grudges,” Voodoo said.

“Men, in general, take longer to forgive and forget, especially when it comes to their women,” Ivy stated.

Lifting her glass, she offered up a toast. “Here’s to the crazy men in our lives and the crazier women who love them.”

“Hey, I don’t have a crazy man—I have three. The jury is still out on Faulkner,” Byte stated.

“Truth.” Voodoo chuckled and clicked Byte’s glass in support.

“To the men and women of ALIAS,” Ivy said and downed the rest of herSabai Sabaicocktail.


Dani yelled at the large man who was holding Chloe by her throat.

“Let her go, you fat cow.”

“What did you say, Danielle? Do you want to take Chloe’s punishment instead?”

“It would be fairer than you picking on a six-year-old.”

“You think you’re all grown-up, don’t you, Danielle.”

“I think I’m more of an adult than you are. I don’t get my rocks off by beating a child.”

“Someone should’ve beat some sense in you when you were a little girl.”

“Several have tried, but no one has succeeded. But, hey, Russell, do your best.”

Dani had been in foster care, ever since her parents decided having a nine-year-old was cramping their style.