Page 48 of Uncovering Voodoo

“Vanessa, I’m not sure if we ever met. I’m Ivy Dalton, formerly Brooks.”

“She worked with the CIA before she and her husband started ALIAS,” Carter informed her.

“I’m the husband,” Ghost said and shook her hand. “Justin Dalton. Please have a seat.”

Vanessa was placed further down the table... further from the door. She knew Venom would be mad if she fled, but that was her first instinct.

“This is Jude Butler and Aria McClure,” Ghost introduced.

She knew who Jude was. She’d seen his picture. It wasn’t from his MI6 days, but a candid shot in Las Vegas.

“It’s nice to meet you, Special Agent Fulbright.”

She nodded and turned her attention toward Voodoo, ignoring Byte, whom she was seated next to.

“Hello, Vanessa. I guess you know who I am... or who I am now.”


“Maxi. That’s my name now.”

Vanessa nodded her understanding and shifted her gaze over to Carter and assumed the role of someone in law enforcement wanting the truth.

“We have a lot of questions. First, the woman in the hospital must have been confused with Gwen.” Turning to Voodoo, she said, “Excuse me, Maxi.”

“That’s our assumption, too,” Ghost stated. Their goal was to keep focus off Voodoo and Carter and on the case.

“Why would she call herself Chaos? Is she the notorious hacker?”

“She’s a nail technician. That’s about as far from being a hacker as you can get,” Voodoo said.

“We believe she was confused. Obviously, with a head trauma, some thing’s are unclear. The paramedic might have thought she meant it was chaotic or the sirens were hurting her head. Honestly, there’s no way of knowing what she was thinking at the time. Even now, she’s unsure of what happened on the bridge,” Ghost said.

“Do you have any leads?” Aria asked.

“Not at this time. Unfortunately, with Gwen faking her death, there’s a lot we have yet to piece together.”

“I didn’t fake my death. I was scheduled to be on the flight that was blown up. At the last minute, I changed my plans.”

“And you didn’t feel the need to let your husband, employer, or family know that you were alive. That seems very suspicious to me.”

“I had my reasons. That’s all I’m going to say about that.”

“Did you legally change your name?”

“I did.”

“Then why didn’t it come up when we were looking for you?”

“Not sure.”

“Are you sure you didn’t have your sister hide them when she falsified the documents?”

“Do you have any proof, or are these just the inquisitive mind of a scorned woman?”

Carter cleared his throat. Voodoo was going off script and needed to find a way back. They needed Vanessa to confess.

“I’m not sure I’d call myself scorned. You walked away, tossed Carter to the side, and made a life of your own, including marrying him,” Vanessa said as she pointed to Seven. “I could arrest you for bigamy right now. You are still legally married to both men, aren’t you?”