Page 46 of Uncovering Voodoo

“There’s always ALIAS. We can contain it there, and once she’s on-site, we can ensure that no one else is hurt,” Ghost suggested.

The group talked it through, and in the end, they agreed that the office would be the best place to meet up. Now it was time to convince Vanessa.

“Do you think you can get her there, especially after our little show?” Voodoo asked after they’d disconnected the call.

“All I can do is try. We really don’t have anything to lose at this time.” Knowing he was right, she waited anxiously for the madwoman to pick up his call.

“Hello, Carter.” Her lack of emotion was a far cry from the way she’d spoken to him hours earlier.

“Hey, Nessa. We need to talk.”

“About your wife? I’m really tired of talking about her.”

“Look, I told you from the beginning, my goal was, and has always been, to reconnect with my wife. I have a lot to figure out, but that’s not why I called.”


“It’s Daisy, Gwen’s sister. She was nearly killed, although the police say it was attempted suicide. Since she was misidentified, the police have said the CIA was called in. The locals tell me you’re the one taking the lead. I just want to talk to you about the case.”

“That’s great, because I have some questions for you. Since you are the estranged brother-in-law, there’s reason to conclude that you were behind her attack, especially if she withheld your wife’s location.”

“Are you kidding me?” Carter practically yelled.

“You know I’m not. And you would think the same thing if you were clearheaded. Where can we meet? I need a statement and an alibi, if you have one.”

“I’m staying at an apartment on the ALIAS compound. Can we meet there?” There was a long hesitation, until Vanessa finally agreed.

“This is just between us. I don’t need your wife’s employer to get any more involved than they already are.”

“I’m not sure that’s going to happen. They have their own questions, but I’ll meet you outside the building. Their security is tighter than at the agency.” He tried to joke and lighten the mood, but it was as if a switch had been flipped, and the softness he’d known had disappeared.

“I’ll be there in half an hour.”

“Do you need the address?”

When she didn’t immediately respond, he filled the void. “Right, I forgot. You’re still with the agency. See you soon.”

When they disconnected the call, they remained quiet. Finally, Voodoo broke the uncomfortable silence.

“I almost feel sorry for her.”

“Me too. But I wasn’t lying when I told her my plans. I know I screwed up being involved with her, and I could make a ton of excuses, but I knew it was wrong. Not just because of you, but I knew her feelings were genuine. I knew she wanted more, despite how many times I told her otherwise.”

“You don’t need to justify your actions to me, Carter. It’s been five years. That’s a long time to go without companionship.”

Five years for her too, he figured. Although, the thought of her being in love with someone else was heartbreaking. He didn’t want to know, but as sad as he was, he had to ask.

“For you too, I’d imagine.”

“At times.”

“Did you ever fall in love?”

“No. You?”

“Just once, and she ran away.”

Blowing out a long breath, Voodoo turned and met his eyes. “I can’t fix what is broken, nor can I change what happened. I wish we’d talked this out back when we could’ve fixed things. But it’s been a long time and a lot of things have changed, especially for me. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be.”