Page 42 of Uncovering Voodoo

“You know, the whole goose and gander.”

“Well, I wasn’t.”

“Until you became Maxi. I’m assuming you’ve not been celibate for five years.”

“No, but they have been few and far between, and never anything serious.”

“You needed company... so did he.”

“But with his partner! I never trusted that woman.”

“Most affairs happen with work mates. It’s where you spend most of your waking hours, so it’s natural.”

“It shouldn’t be.”

“I said natural, not guaranteed. I’m guessing you found out about him and Vanessa.”

“You knew?”

“I had my suspicions. Don’t forget I’ve been keeping tabs on him for years now.”

“Were they at my house?”

“Not that I ever saw. But I didn’t really look too deeply into his sex life. My only concern with Carter was where it put you in danger. That being said, I do know he’s never stopped looking for you.”

“You never told me that.”

“Because you would’ve run again. You were finally happy. You had a job you loved and friends you were letting your walls down for. Why would I want to rob you of your sense of security? Besides, I would’ve told you if he’d gotten close enough to be a threat.”

Voodoo thought about her sister’s words and she realized she was happy. After she ran from Carter, she’d stayed aloof to anyone or anything. She hadn’t wanted to be happy. Then she met Ivy. They were kindred spirits, both having been done wrong by the CIA and their people. She enjoyed helping Ivy whenever she could. She’d also enjoyed her time in Asia, perfecting her trade and building quite the reputation in the espionage world. Then there was ALIAS. She’d finally put down roots. She’d rented an apartment, bought a car, and even opened a checking and savings account. Of course, all of those were under Maxi Wynn’s identity, but she’d done it regardless.

“So what do you suggest I do now? Just overlook all the baggage sitting at the curb? I know everyone believes he wasn’t responsible for the attempts on my life, and I’m starting to agree, but it doesn’t change the fact that toward the end of our marriage, he’d withdrawn from me. He created a chasm in our marriage.”

“No one’s told you why, have they?”

“I guess not. So why don’t you?”

Voodoo listened in shock and horror as her sister told her about Carter’s poisoning and organ damage. Even more horrifying was that he believed she’d been the one delivering the toxins.

“I didn’t,” she whispered in self-defeat.

“Of course you didn’t. No one believed that for a minute. Probably not even Carter down deep, but he had someone in his ear. His partner kept up that niggling until he believed there was a possibility she was right.”

“I hate her!”

“So do I, and so does Carter. I’ve spent a few days with him, and I promise you, he’s the same old Carter you married, only a little damaged.”

“Aren’t we all?”

“Yes, aren’t we?”

Just then the door opened and Byte came in, laptop in hand. “Is our little girl time over yet? Because we’ve found her.”

“Vanessa?” Voodoo asked.

“No... Mary Poppins... Of course Vanessa. Ivy and Ghost are in the car, waiting on us.”

“And Carter?”