Page 34 of Uncovering Voodoo

Now half an hour later, she had even more questions and sat there waiting for someone to answer them, beginning with why Carter was there.

“Well? What in the heavens is going on?”

“We have a lot to catch you up on, but first we need to address the elephant in the room,” Ghost began. Once he had Voodoo’s attention, he continued. “We have proof that Carter wasn’t involved in the attack against your sister. Later, we can address that and all the other findings we have that exonerate him.”

“Where’s Daisy and why in the world did someone out her?”

“Again, there’s a lot, but from what we can tell, whoever attacked her still believes it was you. That’s not far-fetched considering you two look alike. It’s our working premise that it is someone in your previous lives, either from Carter’s cases or your possible findings. We still don’t have a name, but we have a profile,” Ivy said.

“And Daisy. How is she?”

“We don’t know. That’s what we were discussing when you and Bench came in,” Ghost stated.

“So why are you here and not at the hospital?” Bench asked, finally looking away from Carter. Bench could feel Voodoo’s pain, fear, and uneasiness. He’d felt them several times in his life, from his wife’s murder to his current girlfriend’s kidnapping.

“We want a plan,” Ghost answered.

“Of course you do,” Voodoo said while rolling her eyes. Ghost did nothing without a plan. While she knew this was a good thing, it also was a delay she wasn’t willing to wait on.

“Well, while y’all figure it out, I’m going to see my sister,” she said as she rose from her seat, Bench quickly joining her.

“Wait! You can’t,” Byte said.

“Why not?” Bench asked.

“If Voodoo goes busting in there, she’s blowing our one shot at catching the person behind it all. She will reveal who Chaos is, or more importantly, who she’s not,” Ivy stated. Then turning her attention away from Bench to Voodoo, she asked her friend for just ten minutes. “If you aren’t satisfied, we won’t stop you.”

Hesitating, Voodoo looked around the room. These were all people, minus Carter, whom she trusted with her life too. They’d been in more than a few dozen situations where they’d had her back, so she resumed her seat.

“Thank you,” Ivy told her friend. “Now, let’s talk about our next step. Byte, have you got anything for us to see?”

“Yep, but it’s not high quality. The bridge has several cameras, but they aren’t high resolution, and their night vision sucks. Anyway, here they are,” Byte said as she sent the images to the projector.

Images of Daisy walking along the bridge were clear enough, but the more she enlarged the photo, the grainier the picture looked.

“It’s not a great shot, but you can clearly see there’s a second person,” Byte said.

“He’s not a big guy,” Bench stated. Of course, very few were when compared to him. “Maybe five nine or ten. Medium stature. If I had to guess, he’s less than one seventy-five.”

“It could also be a woman,” Ivy stated.

“Which means we can’t delete anyone off our suspect list,” Ghost replied. “It also means it wasn’t Carter.”

She could see that. Carter was six one, and closer to two hundred pounds. Also, his stride was different. Voodoo knew this, as she’d cataloged everything she knew about her husband years earlier.

“Watch here,” Byte instructed. “You see where the person approaches Chaos. She doesn’t seem scared or that she recognizes the intruder.”

Again indicating that it wasn’t Carter she was watching next to her sister.

“Which would make sense since she’s not Voodoo,” Ghost offered as an explanation.

“Now, look at Chaos’ body language. It’s hard to see, but you can just barely make out when she stands straighter, but it’s there,” Byte stated.

The group watched as Chaos crumpled to the pavement. “Daisy was choked from behind... while she was walking away,” Voodoo said in horror.

“Prepare yourself, this is not going to be pretty,” Byte instructed.

Voodoo immediately grabbed the hand closest to her, which happened to be Carter’s. She’d examine the feeling of support and strength he exuded later.