Page 31 of Uncovering Voodoo

“Get dressed. I promise we’ll tell you everything we know,” Ivy stated. Ghost opened Carter’s door and led the team into the war room downstairs. The benefit of having residences in the building was proving its worth.

Two minutes later, Carter’s face drained of color as he listened to the reporter identify Chaos as Gwen. Who in the bureau would’ve given the media her name? And why would Daisy out herself like that?

As if he’d asked the questions out loud, he heard Ivy trying to reason it out for herself.

“We’ve got to go,” Carter said.

“Wait,” Ghost ordered. “We have to make a plan. If we all go running into the hospital demanding answers, they will be asking a new set of questions we’re not prepared to answer. We are going to treat this no differently than any other mission. We will not go off half-cocked. Now, let’s work on a plan.”

Carter knew Ghost was right, but it didn’t ease his need for answers. He wondered if Ivy was ever frustrated with her husband. They were assassins, trained to make quick decisions. Ghost was analytical, definitely more levelheaded. The complete opposite of him and Ivy, he’d assume.

With everyone seated, Ghost began delegating the tasks that needed to be done.

“Byte, pull up any aerial shots you can for the last ninety minutes. Ivy, can you call the security team at Voodoo’s place? You’re on the approved visitor list. See if you can get any kind of timeline to work with, especially when she left the building.”

“On it,” Ivy said as she exited the room for some privacy.

“What about me?”

“Tell me who would go after Chaos?”

“I don’t know!” Carter bellowed and slammed his hand on the table, making Byte jump.

“I don’t know who’s messing with my life and the people in it.”

“Is it possible this attack on Chaos is completely unrelated to Voodoo? I mean, she has enemies too,” Byte questioned.

“Good point,” Ghost replied. “Okay, let’s work under the assumption it was a misidentification, then whoever was behind the previous attempts is still following you. Voodoo’s cover hadn’t been blown...”

“Right… Before I arrived. Yeah, I get it. This is on me. If I hadn’t looked for Gwen, my sister-in-law wouldn’t be lying in a hospital bed, and my wife wouldn’t be risking her life with a group of one-percenters. So, yeah, I get it, Ghost. This is all on me. But I was never going to stop looking for Gwen. And if you love Ivy as much as you say, you wouldn’t have either. So move on.”

“I’m not blaming you, Carter. I’m stating that someone has been following you. Voodoo wasn’t exposed. She still hasn’t been. But someone has been watching you and has seen you with Chaos. If the reporter was correct, someone with the bureau identified her as Gwen... not Maxi... not Daisy. It’s someone who immediately assumed Daisy was Gwen.”

“True,” Byte said while still searching for images.

“Someone who had only seen Gwen from before her transformation. Granted, the women do resemble each other. If they were in a room together, you wouldn’t immediately assume they were twins. I’m assuming that wasn’t the case before.”

“No, they were mirror images. They were easily confused.”

“Right, so whoever is behind this doesn’t know Gwen became Maxi Wynn. They didn’t know she’d changed her appearance, along with her name. We are looking for the same person as earlier.”

Carter relaxed into the chair, exhausted. Ghost was right. He would’ve figured it out eventually, but not before they had a plan.

Ivy entered and read the room. Tensions were still high, but it also felt defeated.

“We have a timeline.” Ivy relayed her conversation with the desk security officer.

“She’d been working out, which is why she didn’t have any identification on her. Can you find her on any CCTV around the bridge? I know there are cameras set up after the idiots on social media tried various stunts.”

“On it,” Byte answered.

“Now, what did I miss in here?” Ivy asked the men.

Byte snickered. “A bunch of tail feathers being ruffled.”

Ignoring her snide remark, Ghost explained the conclusion they’d reached.

Whoever was behind the original hits was still out there and still had Gwen in their sights.