Page 27 of Uncovering Voodoo

Carter began naming the ones he could remember.

“Allison Barnes, Francis Claus, Leon Franklin, Cedrick Matthews, and as I already said, Vanessa Fulbright.”

“On it,” Byte said and began typing in the names he’d provided.

“While these two dig into your virtual life, tell us about your illness. Why wasn’t it in your records? And why did you immediately suspect your wife?” Ghost asked.

Carter explained the testing he’d had after the botched mission, the doctor’s diagnosis of prolonged drugging, and the toxin’s difficulty in procuring.

“I didn’t know my wife as Voodoo, but there was no mistaking her skills, nor her drive to understand the effects of Chinese herbs.”

“You chose not to confront her?” Seven asked.

“I wanted proof, not suspicions, before I accused her. I also didn’t want to believe Gwen was behind the attack, but the doubts were there.”

“And only your partner was aware of your illness and primary suspect?” Ghost asked once again.

“Yes. Like I said, to my knowledge, she never shared my suspicions with anyone else.”

“And you trust her?” Aria asked once more. She knew firsthand how an agent could turn against you without provocation.

“I do. She’s never given me a reason not to. She’s the one who discovered Gwen married him,” Carter said, pointing at Seven.

“When did you learn this?”

“This morning... before I met with Daisy.”

Chaos smirked, wanting to correct him and say it wasn’t a meeting, but a kidnapping; however, she’d promised to keep that bit of intel between them. The more he spoke, the surer she was that he hadn’t tried to kill her sister, but someone had, and their only clue was Carter.

Who had something to gain by killing first his partner and then his wife? And was this person also responsible for the attack on Carter’s life?

There were too many questions and not enough answers... at least not yet, but Chaos would find them. Her sister’s life depended on it.

I will not lose another sister. I can’t.


Ivy wasn’t surprised when she received a call from Voodoo. Actually, what surprised her was how long it had taken her. When she said so, Voodoo chuckled.

“Sure, you are. I was thrown right in the middle of this job. I don’t have time to sit around and wonder what’s happening over there... not when Bench is in the middle of the MC club and needs my help.”

“How is it going?”

“Are you asking because you really want to know or are you trying to distract me and the reason for my call?”

“I can’t believe you have to ask.”

“Right, that’s what I thought. The job is going okay. They’ve finally figured out who else is undercover. Only with that knowledge, new questions are developing.”

“Go on.”

“The operative is an ATF agent... and a woman. Apparently, she’s in a relationship with the new enforcer. Bench was surprised it was her because her relationship looks real... too real, in his opinion.”

“I understand. Sometimes being a female operative should merit you an Oscar. Does she know Bench is undercover too?”

“That’s what they’re trying to figure out. They also wonder if the enforcer is also an agent. It could explain why they look so in love.”

“So what’s next?” Ivy asked.