Page 22 of Uncovering Voodoo

“From what Gwen has told me, it’s very likely. Regardless, that’s where I’m going. You can either come with me or try to find answers on your own. Either way, you’re not staying here.”

He watched as Daisy stood up, tested her balance, and went into his wife’s bedroom. While Daisy had been unconscious, he did a quick check of the apartment. He wasn’t expecting a smoking gun, but knowing where and how she lived gave him a sense of connecting with her.

Her taste hadn’t changed over the years. She was still a minimalist in furniture and a hoarder of books. He picked up the medical journal by her bed. Her reading glasses were resting beside the book, along with a small tumbler of water. It was just another reminder of their lives together. She went to bed every night with a glass of water on the nightstand. Even though Gwen rarely drank it, she said it brought her some security knowing that if needed, she could reach it within seconds.

He never questioned her little quirks because everyone had some. She hated his ugly sweater collection. It had been a joke one year when he purchased them matching sweaters. She gave hers to a woman standing on the corner asking for help. Of course, the day she decided to be charitable was the day after he’d given her the sweater. It then became their thing. He’d pick out a horrendous sweater, buy two, knowing that hers would be regifted the following day. He, however, wore his primarily to get a rise out of his wife, but also because he liked the quirkiness of it. Their lives were surrounded by death, demons, and depravity. A little humor helped to balance out the sacrifices they’d made to serve and protect the greater good.

Carrying an overnight bag, Daisy walked over to the door and waited for Carter to join her.

“You have a decision to make. Are you coming with me to ALIAS or are you going to look for Gwen on your own? Either way, I’m going to find the truth and protect my sister from whoever is threatening her life, if you say it’s not you.”

“Someone has really tried to kill her?”

“Yes. Several times.”

“And she thinks it was me?” He challenged.

Daisy turned and put her hand against Carter’s chest to halt his movement. “And you think it was she who poisoned you.”


“No, Carter, there’s no but. Either you are looking to finish what you started or you’re innocent. I don’t know which one to believe, but in time, I will know the truth. I just hope for your sake you’re exonerated. Otherwise, you won’t make it out of Texas, unless it’s in a body bag. These are not people to mess with.”

“I know what kind of people they are. Remember they were going to hire me.”

“Here’s the difference, Carter. You sought them out; they recruited Voodoo. Guns for hire are a dime a dozen, but assassins with her special skill set are a rarity. She has an entire team, both here and in other cities, that will protect her with their own lives. So it’s your choice. If you decide to come with me, I won’t tell anyone about this tête-à-tête. If Ivy doesn’t kill you, Seven might, or even Byte. Let’s just say, you aren’t going to receive a warm welcome.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time. Let’s go. It’s about time I meet with my employers and have this out.”

“Well, Byte’s not going to be too happy to see you.”

“I don’t even know who or what that is.”

“All you need to know is that you will no longer be called Cowardly Carter.”

Cowardly Carter?


“Why are you here?” Ivy demanded, staring—no glaring—at Carter.

“Don’t shoot him, at least not yet,” Chaos said as she stepped between the two.

“Ivy,” Ghost soothingly said, as he enclosed her hand in his and gently squeezed her fingers. “Let’s hear him out.”

Never dropping eye contact, she said to her husband, “Just tell me when I can.” If he hadn’t known the bombshell and her capabilities, he would have chalked up her words as a figure of speech or and idle threat. However, the four standing there knew it wasn’t a nonlethal threat. None of them dismissed her words. Her threats weren’t veiled. She’d put her cards on the table for everyone to see.

“Let’s go into the conference room. Chaos, can you round up Byte, Seven, and Aria? There’s no reason not to involve the entire team. Now, Carter, do you have anything to hide?”

“No. I’m looking for answers too. If anyone on the team has them, I’d love to hear them.”

“Then follow me,” Ghost suggested with a none-too-happy wife by his side. He wasn’t offended when she dropped his hand and stood aside for Carter to pass. Ghost knew she wouldn’t leave herself or him vulnerable, should Carter be a threat. For Ivy, if she had someone’s back, it wasn’t a metaphor... It was an assurance.

“I’m not sure you were introduced to everyone. So, let’s take care of that before we hear you out,” Ghost said.

“This is GigaByte.”

“Impressive. Your work, I mean.”