Page 66 of Uncovering Voodoo

“No, at least not that I can remember, but there are thousands of operatives there.”

“I thought all you spooks knew each other,” Byte said.

“Sure, you did,” Ivy said and stood aside for Faulkner and Ghost to follow.

“Hey, guys, this is Tobey Faulkner.” Ivy returned her attention to Tobey and introduced the team.

After the crisis that followed Carter’s hiring, they decided to push back on bringing Tobey onboard until the dust settled. He understood. Tobey was experiencing his own little crisis at home. His wife had decided she no longer wanted to live in Texas and was none to happy about his accepting the job anyway. Eventually both crises were fixed. Tobey and his family relocated. He believed a change of scenery would help their relationship, which had suffered after the baby was born and when he left the bureau. He just hoped and prayed he’d made the right decision.

“Have y’all worked together?” Aria asked.

“No. I know Steve Ellison,” Faulkner stated.

“You’ve worked with ECP before?” Aria asked.

“Not exactly. Let’s just say we had a common interest and that was to keep Turbo safe.”

“The hacker?” Aria replied.

“Yes. Our little encounter was before she joined ECP, but she’s a good kid, and I’m happy she landed on her feet.”

“Sounds like there’s more to the story,” Aria said.

“Another day,” Ghost interrupted. “We have a job. Carter, I’m going to need you and Seven to fly to London.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Carter slammed his fist on the conference table.

“I think it’s time you two settle your differences,” Ivy stated.

“No, let `em fight. It’s too funny.”

“Byte,” Ghost scolded. “We’re a team and we rely on each other to have our backs. You two,” Ghost said, pointing at Seven and Carter, “need to work out whatever is between y’all.”

“That would be Voodoo. She’s the only one who’s been between them.”

“Byte!” Ivy yelled.

“That’s uncalled for,” Ghost reprimanded. He’d let Byte’s little digs slide because he was worried about her, but she was pushing him to his limit.

“I’m just saying... We all know it's the truth. Am I right, Aria?”

“It’s definitely something they need to iron out... and preferably not while we’re in the room.” Aria giggled.

“I’m sure we can work together,” Seven replied. He wanted to move past his and Voodoo’s indiscretion once and for all. Their office was too small to not get along with their coworkers. “What’s the job?”

Ghost updated the team on their new international office. He spoke of the role Ryan, Heath, and Chaos would play in taking down Raptor.

“Yay, it will be just us girls!”

“What am I, chopped liver?” Ghost asked Byte.

“Nah, you’re one of us... just hairier.”

“Okay, guys, let’s get to it. Carter, you and Seven hang back. We can go over the job.”

Voodoo heard Carter’s grumble when she leaned down and kissed his cheek and whispered, “Play nice.”

He grunted in reply.