Page 65 of Uncovering Voodoo

Voodoo kept quiet, trying to think how best to say what she was thinking. In the end, she rolled on top of him, kissing away the worry lines forming.

“I was thinking whether we could wait and eat breakfast. How hungry are you?”

“Starving,” he groaned and took control, flipping her onto her back. “So hungry.”

She writhed, moaned, and begged as he feasted on her body, whispering words she’d never forget, and promising her a forever.


“For someone who lives a minimalist lifestyle, you sure have a lot of clothes,” Carter said as he hefted a box labeled shoes.

“I told you it would be easier for you to live in my apartment. You’re the one who wanted a house,” she chimed back, still unpacking her books.

For weeks they’d maintained separate apartments, but spent every night together. She’d wanted to give them space, but Carter wasn’t having anything to do with that. He reminded her numerous times about their lost years and that he was never going to miss another day kissing and making love to his wife.

He’d offered to renew their vows, to have a do-over, but she refused.

“I don’t want to redo what worked so well all those years ago. I just want to do them better.”

“Gwen, how many more boxes of shoes do you have?”

“Carter, don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to. Besides, I thought you liked my stilettos.”

“I do, baby, but I didn’t know I was going to break my back carrying three hundred pairs.”

“Whatever. Hey, what time are we due at the office?”

Shortly after they began dating, Carter and Voodoo sat down with Ghost and Ivy and talked about the job offer. Carter didn’t want to take it if it was too much too soon for her. He knew that living and working together could be overtaxing, and he was still worried she might be a flight risk. But in the end, she laid down the law... he was accepting their offer. Her only demand was that he not coddle her.

“If you try to shield me, any more than you would Aria, then I’m going to pull out my mortar and pestle. I might just have to prove to you why my moniker is spot-on.”

Now, two months later, they were unpacking their belongings into their new home. Was it too fast? She didn’t know, but she also didn’t care. She missed him; she ached for him; she loved him, and she wasn’t going to let doubt creep in.

He was the antidote to her toxins.

* * *

Hand in hand,they walked into ALIAS and were startled when Byte rounded the corner in a huff.

“What’s got you all riled up?” Voodoo asked.

“Nothing. Just some technical glitches.”

“Glitches? Is the network still secured?” Carter asked.

“Seriously? I can’t believe you even asked me that. Of course, the network is secured. It’s just glitchy.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Voodoo said as she followed Byte into the conference room where Aria and Seven were already waiting.

Voodoo had tried several times to get Carter and Seven together, but both were standoffish.

“Where’s Ivy and Ghost?”

“They are talking to their newest recruit.”

“Faulkner, right?” Carter asked.

“Yes. Did you know him while you were in the CIA?” Aria asked.