Page 58 of Uncovering Voodoo

“Well, what about you? You seriously thought I was poisoning you?”

“You’d backed away. Of course, now I know it was because you thought I was trying to kill you, but at the time, it felt like you wanted out of our marriage.”

“We really screwed this up, didn’t we?”

“Yeah, we did. Do you mind if we tackle the other topics later? I know there’s a lot to be said; however, I don’t want to rush it. I would really like to see you again,” Carter said, after he paid the bill.

“Like a date?”

“Would you say yes if it was?”


“Now who’s being vague with their answers? Come on, let me drive you back to the office. You can give me your answer when we get there.”

Voodoo nodded and didn’t flinch when Carter held her hand while he maneuvered the Austin traffic.

Could she date her husband?

No, the real question was, could Maxi date Carter? He wasn’t married to Maxi or Voodoo. The woman he was married to was gone, and she wasn’t sure she could resurrect her anymore. But did she want to?

“Maybe,” she said under her breath.

“I think I understood that the first time you said it,” he jokingly said. Only Voodoo hadn’t realized she’d said it out loud.

She wasn’t ready to give them a second chance. She knew he was ready, but she wasn’t… Not yet. But he felt they eventually would go on that date. She needed to find the balance between who she was, and who she is. She needed a place where both Gwen and Maxi could reside. A place where Voodoo would be accepted.

Yeah, maybe, she thought as they pulled into ALIAS’s parking lot.


Two weeks later, it was date night. She’d listened as her sister chastised her for holding Carter at bay for so long.

“This man loves you and you love him. What more is there to figure out?”

“He knows Gwen... not me,” Voodoo said for the umpteenth time.

“You are one and the same. I don’t understand why you keep saying Gwen is gone because she was the foundation you built Maxi on. You couldn’t have become Maxi if not for Gwen. I think you’re getting tangled up in the names, instead of what your heart is saying.”

“You can’t trust your heart. It can fool you time and time again.”

“When did you become such a cynic? Gwenie.”


“Did you react the same just now when I called you Gwen, as you do with Carter?”

She thought about it and realized it didn’t bother her to hear it from her sister.

So why was she upset when Carter did?



“Look, I know it’s stupid. I can’t explain it, but I guess I’m worried he won’t like who I am now. He married a scientist, a nerd who liked watching Dr. Who.”

“I hate to tell you this, sis, but you are still a nerd, and you still like Dr. Who, even if you pretend otherwise. You are a chemist, not a scientist, but there’s not really any difference.”