Page 51 of Worth the Risk

I don’t like her being over me in this moment. I let go of her hands, grip her hips, and use my weight to flip us, tangling the sheet in the process.

“We’re happening. I think you feel it too. You put in the effort tonight, showing up, getting to know my kid, and hell, you didn’t run away. You may have looked like a deer in headlights once or twice, but you stayed.”

“I do feel it. It’s just…”

“April. But you will tell her next time you see her, or I swear to God that I will do it for us. Do you understand?” There is an edge in my tone that I think surprises her.

She slowly nods. “Okay. You’re right, it’s time.”

“Good.” I kiss her brow. “But not tomorrow. Tomorrow, you stay here and wait for me to come home.”

Piper reaches her hand up to touch my cheek as she smiles warmly. “I’m not sure I’m any good at wearing an apron and cooking dinner, but I can pretend.”

I growl low because the thought will keep me going tomorrow when I’m yelling at the new recruits on the field.

“I can have a chef come,” I offer.

She chortles and rolls her eyes. “I love how you say it like it’s nothing. But it’s okay, I’ll swing by Jolly Joe’s for coffee, work on my laptop, and pick something up from the grocery store.”

“Sounds good.” I lie next to her and let out a long breath. “Sleep. We probably need a few hours of that. I’ll try not to wake you when my alarm goes off.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”

I can’t help but taunt her. “You have really developed since that first night.” I smirk to myself.

She playfully slaps me then cuddles into my arms. “Funny, old man.”

“Ouch. You’re getting vicious.”

“Nah, just getting comfortable.”

And that’s exactly how I want her.

* * *

I rubmy eyes and walk into the kitchen. The house is dark except for the small light next to the coffee machine that is on a timer.

Looking up from straightening my hoodie, I stop in my tracks when I see Piper leaning against the counter in only my shirt with my coffee thermos in hand.

“You really are trying to shock me in the kitchen these days, huh?” I say, and I’m completely adoring her even more. Walking slowly to her, I take the thermos she offers.

“Snuck down here when you were in the shower. Thought I could wish you a good day.”

I kiss her good morning and wrap an arm around her middle. “Next time join me in the shower.”

“Uh-uh. I think you have a schedule to keep, Coach.” She flashes her eyes at me.

“I’ll break every damn rule if it’s worth it.”

Our eyes meet and a brief silence overtakes us.

“I think it might just be.”

And I hear it in her floaty voice that her words mean us.