My eyes snap up to see him grinning.
“Hudson Arrows has a woman in his life.”
“What makes you say that?” I can’t deny the look of contentment forming on my face.
Spencer sets his bottle to the side. “You’re expecting someone, that I can tell.”
“There is someone,” I confirm.
His eyes widen. “Do tell.”
“No, because there is nothing to confirm or deny.”
He eyes me skeptically. “Really bad liar,” he reiterates. “What, did you meet in a bar or something?”
I don’t answer.
Spencer chuckles and takes my lack of response as an answer. He crosses his arms over his chest. “Wow. That sounds unlike you. I mean, you know a good bar or two, but I’ve never seen you pick up someone at a bar. She must be something if you took a play from my book.”
I lean back in my chair. “Sometimes, someone comes along who makes you do things.”
“Shit. I haven’t really seen you like this. You look rejuvenated, and I mean you looked pretty fucking happy at the wedding but what father wouldn’t at his son’s wedding? How long has this been going on?”
I sigh because I could use an ear. “Not long. We kind of met, then didn’t reconnect until a few weeks later. She somewhat runs her own timeline.” I leave out the detail she is the one who left before I woke. As much as I don’t love that minor detail, I’m at peace with it now, as the world conspired with us to ensure we met again.
“Does she? Or are you just completely smitten that you let her run the show?” Spencer challenges me.
I lick my lips before biting the corner of my mouth. “I know patience isn’t your strong suit, but sometimes it pays off. Besides, so far it’s working, I mean, she isn’t running away.”
“I just kind of assumed that you would be so persistent that the poor woman wouldn’t know what hit her, or are you just waiting for the right moment to throw in that aspect?”
“Hey, I’m being persistent, just adding a gentle touch,” I justify.
“Hope it works. Of all the people I know, you are the guy who should have a woman locked down because you’re just meant for that stuff. You’ve been waiting for years to find someone and always put other people first. I mean, damn, since Drew entered your life, it’s like…” He brings his hands up to an uneven level with one another to indicate priority. “Football, Drew.”
“Move that football hand down a notch. My kid goes first,” I correct him proudly.
Spencer does as I say before bringing one hand even lower. “Then Hudson putting himself first is here.”
I sigh because maybe he’s right. Except only until recently, because now I am completely putting myself higher on the scale. I want to be selfish, and Piper is the reason that feeling resonates inside of me.
“That may be changing,” I tell him.
His hands fall down. “Fucking hope so.”
“Why in the world are you talking like you are the authority on this?” Spencer is me maybe ten years ago. He has no interest in settling down with someone, and he has reasons for that too.
Spencer shrugs. “No clue, except I envision you with a woman who dotes on you and preferably bakes so I get a neighbor who brings me cookies.”
“She isn’t much of a baker or cook.”
“Huh, what good is she to you then?” he jokes.
“She is a lot of things. Good things. My blood flows differently lately, that kind of good.”
“Does mystery woman have a name?” He takes a sip from his bottle.
The sound of the sliding door to my patio opening draws our attention to Piper who hesitantly steps out, as she must have just arrived.