Page 86 of Worth the Risk

The next time I wake, I know the sun is up and it’s morning. I have no idea how long I slept, but I take advantage of the fact that Hudson is downstairs with our daughter and decide to take a shower and throw on some makeup to accompany my yoga pants, t-shirt, and the mom-who-needs-sleep look. At least I know my bra is always sexy, even if I look a jumbled mess. I started a line of nursing bras, especially for my current state of life.

Heading down the stairs, I hear little noises from Gracie, and there’s music on too. We have her on Bruce Springsteen in lullaby tones. I sigh when I see Hudson’s suitcase by the front door as I walk to the kitchen. For the most part, we have found a routine, and we do our best to accommodate his schedule, but a lot of the away games are just too far for such a short period of time with the little one.

I smile at the view of Hudson leaning against the counter, drinking a smoothie, and making faces at our little girl in her bouncy chair. His eyes instantly turn to my direction when he notices me.

“Morning, beautiful.”

I wave a hand in the air. “Get real with me. What time was it when you woke me earlier?”

He chuckles under his breath. “It was five, but just pretend it was eleven.”

I groan as I grab a glass from the cupboard. If it was five, then it means I only got two more hours of sleep.

Hudson is quick to wrap his arms around me, take the glass from my hand, and pour me some smoothie. “Drew and Lucy said they could come up this weekend, even if I’m not here.”

“When did they say that?”

“Check the family chat.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket and slides his thumb along the screen, then he shows me.

I smile brightly because Gracie is in her onesie that says Coach’s Daughter and she seems at peace. He must have taken the photo earlier this morning, as it’s the outfit she is wearing now, accompanied by Hudson’s mug of coffee next to her that is one of those “world’s greatest dad” mugs.

Drew wrote a message back.


She’s growing so quickly. Lucy and I want to come to babysit. This weekend? We can watch the game on the big screen.

Our daughter is a spoiled little girl. By everyone—her dad, uncle, my grandmother, April, and I know I will be stopping by the baby aisle in the grocery store later when we don’t need anything at all.

“I guess… well…” I’m reluctant, then Hudson gives me the pointed look. “Yes! Please send reinforcements my way,” I admit with such relief.

I love motherhood, our routine, and our days together. But damn, this lack of sleep is a whole new world of crazy, and I welcome any opportunity for extra help.

Hudson smiles with reassurance. “Thought so. What’s the plan for today?” He hands me a glass of green smoothie that I hate, but I know all the vitamins are exactly what I need, especially while breastfeeding.

The corners of my mouth stretch, and my face must look elated with happiness as I answer, “The usual. Pack up the stroller, stop in town to check on my boutique, then grab some lunch because I’m always starving these days, then naps, do laundry, afternoon walk, and sleep… hopefully.”

“I will be back in two days,” he reminds me.

“We’ll be watching in the living room, I promise.”

Hudson’s fingers crawl up my arm, and he has a look that is the devil’s good work. “We have a Sunday-afternoon game down in Kansas City. I’ll be back late, but maybe Drew and Lucy can stick around Sunday night so I can take you to breakfast on Monday? Just you and me.”

“I’d like that.”

He leans his head down, and I stand on my toes to kiss him. “I’ll miss you,” he murmurs.

“Me too. But next week is a home game. We’ll be there, and we are making this work. I promise to send you videos later today.”

“Good.” His phone gets a notification that his driver is here. He kisses me again, this time with more force and longer for good measure.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Mrs. Arrows.”

We both look at our daughter who coos. Hudson is quick to go to Gracie and kiss her chubby cheek. “Of course, we love you too. Remember our talk earlier.”

“Talk?” I wonder.