Page 84 of Worth the Risk

She ignores my comment and approaches me tactfully. “So, I’m going to come at you from the blindside here.”

“Ooh, she’s talkin’ football,” I tease her.

Her wry smile stays stoic.

I turn the element off and move the pan to a cooler spot on the stovetop. “So, what’s the deal? Why do you need to head to town?”

“The thing is, I wanted to do the whole buying property, moving into your home without asking, showing up to games thing for the right reasons, and even though they are risks, it’s okay because I want it all and knew it would be okay. And since I’m confident with all the possibilities that could happen, then I think I need to address another elephant in the room…”

I’m not catching on. “As in?” I rest my hands on her shoulders, soothing her.

Her unusual look doesn’t change. “We haven’t been careful.” I don’t respond until her eyes bug out.

“No complaints,” I answer.

The remnants of a smirk on her lips inform me she thought I would say that. “I thought I wasn’t pregnant, even took a test the other week. For some reason I don’t know, I was kind of disappointed but also thought it was for the better, so I could make all these decisions without a baby being part of the equation. Last night I went to sleep knowing that I had confirmed my future with you, and we talked about it yesterday. Everything feels right.”

“What are you saying?”

“My body kind of did this weird thing where it felt the need to gag at the thought of toothpaste, and then I realized I lost the box with the second test, so now I need to sneak around and buy another…” she rambles.

I feel my heart pounding. “Wait… hold up.”

Piper takes a deep breath. “I’m not sure that test was correct, because it was maybe too early, so I need to take another one,” she clarifies.

I blink a few times then something clicks me into action mode. “I’ll go.”

She doesn’t get a chance to protest and two minutes later I’m back in the kitchen grabbing my car key. Piper never left her spot.

“Hudson!” she scolds me.


Her eyes assess me up and down. “Did you not get the memo about being on the down-low for this outing?”

I give myself the once-over and realize my error. I’m literally wearing a hoodie that says Coach Arrows, not exactly subtle.

“Solid point.” I guess I’m a little nervous. “I’ll go change.”

Piper shrugs. “Just, I don’t know, buy a few things, then maybe nobody will notice. Like literally walk down the aisle and grab a box like a football pass, you don’t even need to stop.”

“I’ve totally got it covered,” I assure her. “How about you just eat some breakfast and I’ll be back before you know it.”

She nods nervously, and I kiss her forehead.

Fifty-three minutes, a cinnamon roll pick-up, and a diversion of one morning fox later, I find myself staring out my bedroom door to the balcony and turning my head when I hear the bathroom door click open. I’m calm, though definitely excited at the prospect too.

Piper’s face is unreadable. She takes one step closer.


Piper’s face erupts into a wide grin. “Looks like you’re going to be a dad again.”

My heart swells right before the reminder sinks in that I missed the young years with Drew, so this is just as new for me as it is Piper. I reach out and grab her wrists to pull her into my arms.

“The baby has good timing too, as he or she should arrive just on time in the middle of off-season.” Tears form in her eyes, the good kind, because her mouth is stretched into a ridiculous grin.

I cup her cheek with the palm of my hand. “You really know how to make me happy, huh?” She nuzzles into my hand, the lids of her eyes closing. “We’re getting married tomorrow.”