Page 4 of Worth the Risk

We study one another, and I feel my pulse quicken. Call me a savage, but I think I want to throw her onto the countertop and lick her like she did her olives. This woman has the ability to steal my breath and make me laugh, and for that reason, I want to make her scream.

But instead, we chat for the next fifteen minutes about the city and food. My cheeks may hurt from laughing at every retort we bounce off one another in conversation.

I look at my watch. I know we need to get out of here soon. Piper seems to notice too that our night may be wrapping up—well, not if I have anything to say about it.

“You’re intriguing, but I don’t know why. I only just met you,” she says.

The corner of my mouth curves up. “Ah, so you are attracted to me.”

Piper doesn’t answer but looks away with a sheepish grin. “Do you do this with all the women you meet?”

“I’m not doing anything, darling, except talking to a beautiful woman who seems to be enjoying my company… and no, I don’t make it a habit of taking a woman to the hotel across the street.” Geez, even I recognize the swagger in my voice.

Her eyes widen from my statement. “Wow, how did a hotel come into this conversation?”

“We wouldn’t last the extra twenty minutes it would take to get to my place. Plus, it’s fucking raining.” I look at her with a piercing gaze because I can’t look away from this creature who sauntered into my life on a mundane Tuesday.

“Why am I not walking away from this?” she asks herself with a fixed smile because we are being two ridiculous souls acting in a way that I know neither one of us is accustomed to. Because despite the many offers I get, I don’t pick up women in bars. I mean, I’m not completely a saint, but I would say I have a 75% moral conscience when it comes to pursuing women. Yet right now, I’m feeling on edge because I want her, and I’m pulling out my cocky card which could be a risky move.

“Why am I acting like a man already addicted?” I softly ponder the truth. She is like something I’ve never had a taste of, and I recognize a warning in my head that Piper may just pull me in a direction that I’m not used to.

I glance down as I begin to draw circles with my fingertip on her hand that’s resting on the bar. Her skin is silky, and I feel her body tense, but not in a bad way. She’s surprised maybe by the magnetic attraction that we seem to have.

My eyes draw a line up to her face when she blows out a deep breath. “You have some smooth lines, Hudson. I’m really wondering why the red flag isn’t flashing in my head yet.” She looks down at my fingers, intrigued. “I’m normally a ‘trip to the candy store when I’m stressed’ kind of person. I’ve never tried sleeping with a stranger to let out some bad-day vibes.”

“Do you believe in trying everything once?”

“I do… yes.”

I move farther into her space and closer to her ear, now letting my hand travel up her arm to touch her hair. “Listen, we need to get out of here. I’m not a serial killer, Wes has seen you with me, you can text a friend, and we can go across the street. Drink, talk, I don’t care, but you’re curious about something and so am I.”

She glances to me, her head angling in a way that brings her mouth near my own. Mint, she smells of peppermint. Her warm breath hits my skin. “Tempting.”

Our lips dance on their own accord. She’s drawing me in, and I really am questioning why I feel like a man who would get on his knees to beg for this woman. Something in the air feels unique, and it started the moment she walked through the door.

“Do you always make men crazy?” I whisper.

“Do you always make women do things they wouldn’t normally do?”

I scoff. “Make? No. Wanting something out of their comfort zone? Completely.”

She points a finger at me. “I’m taking a chance that you aren’t a murderer.” A grin spreads on her mouth before she hops off her chair and offers me her hand.

* * *

It was a quick check-in,no questions asked because they know me, as I stay here sometimes during the season instead of my place in the city. In no time, we find ourselves walking down the hall to the room.

I spin her until her back hits the wall near the door. I cradle her face between my hands and hold her firmly in place so her mouth is on offer.

This isn’t what I was expecting today. And by the fact that Piper is breathing heavy, then I would say this is a surprise for her too.

My eyes are fixed on her gorgeous mouth, the one I’m about to devour.

“Do we need a safe word or something?” She tries to contain her laugh. Her ability to keep the mood light is a trait that I adore.

“Fuck me,” I murmur. “I really want to know where your imagination just went.”

She wraps her hands around my waist under my open suit jacket. “I’m not sure. You’re kind of consuming my thoughts, and then I realize you’re standing right in front of me.”