My entire body feels like electric currents are coursing through it. The game has started. And now it’s time for some fun.



After getting home and feeding Chip and Belle, I dropped the kids off with Mrs. McCarthy so I can have some uninterrupted studying time. My mind is all over the place, though, mostly filled with thoughts of Henri. Good lord. I get all hot and bothered just thinking about everything that we did today. Leaning back in the chair, I close my eyes and remember the way he looked at me. I don’t think anyone has ever looked at me like that. It’s scary and makes me happy at the same time.

Sighing, I turn my attention back to my notes. I’ve been studying for an hour when the front door opens and my father stumbles in. His left eye is swollen shut and there are bruises and cuts all over his face and arms. His nose is crooked, as if it’s broken. What in the hell happened to him? He glares at me, stumbling into a chair at the table. I can smell the alcohol from here. Did he get in a drunken brawl?

“Stop staring at me and make yourself useful, you cunt. Get me something for my eye!”

I move to the fridge, grabbing a bag of frozen peas. I know from experience that peas feel the best against black eyes. He takes the bag, pressing it against his eye. I’m scared to move. He’s in a mood, and there’s a chance he might try to take it out on me if I do anything to piss him off. He leans back, the chair groaning in protest. There’s a part of me that hopes it breaks under his weight.

“Can I get you anything else?”

He snorts. “You’ve done enough, but you won’t be my problem much longer.”

“What does that mean?”

He drops the bag on the table and stands. “It means, you little bitch, that I’m finally getting rid of you. Best say goodbye to your siblings. You won’t ever see them again.”

His breath reeks of alcohol. I have half a mind to send him to bed. But then he speaks again.

“Got a pretty penny, too. Not sure what a man like Di Bello wants with you, but that’s not my problem.”

I might have chalked this up to him being drunk, but the moment he mentions Di Bello’s name, something tells me he’s telling the truth.

“Di Bello? Are you saying you sold me to the mafia?”

“Sure as fuck did. If I had known they were looking for whores, I would have sold you sooner.” He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a check. “Thirty thousand, plus he’s forgiving all of my debts at the casino.”

From here I can see the Di Bello crest. The bloody rose. My throat is tight. This can’t be happening. He’s going to tell me he’s joking any minute now. Why would Di Bello want me? Everything around me dims, and I’m afraid I’m going to pass out.

“They’ll be here at eight to collect you.” He smiles. “I don’t recommend trying anything stupid until then. I’d hate to send you to him covered in bruises.”

“You mean more bruises than I already have?”

His eyes widen, and then he laughs. “I’ll let that slide. Now get out of my sight.”

I’m already opening my door and entering my room. One of Chip’s toys in on the floor and I lift it. My fathersoldme. What kind of person does that? And who’s saying he won’t do it to Chip or Belle? I don’t want to think about the kind of person who would buy another person, much less a child. Which means my options are clear. I have to get out of here and make sure nothing happens to my siblings. Something I should have done a long time ago.

Glancing at my phone, I look at the time. It’s almost seven, which means I have an hour to pull this off. My father will not let me just walk out of the door, so I need to be smart. My gaze goes to the fire escape. I can take it down a floor and take the stairs back to our floor. Better yet, maybe Mrs. McCarthy can meet me downstairs. I send her a text and she responds right away, saying she’ll meet me.

Digging under my mattress, I pull out the lockbox with money that I’ve been stashing. There’s nearly five thousand, but I know it won’t last us long.

“Think, Dove. You need a place to stay tonight.”

Henri’s face crosses my mind. I text him.

Me: Does your offer still stand? For me and my siblings?

Me: It’s kind of an emergency.

Me: Please text me when you get this.

Hopefully, he’ll come through for me. If not, I’ll be using some of my precious cash for a motel room. It won’t be the end of the world, but I’d rather not waste the money if I can avoid it. My father laughs from the living room, reminding me that time is literally slipping away. Quietly, I grab clothes for Chip and Belle, stuffing them into a bag. I also pack as many diapers as I can find, knowing they are going to be what I need the most. That and formula. I’m so thankful that I brought the formula with me last night. Now it’s one less thing I have to worry about right now. I turn my attention to my belongings.

My laptop and schoolbooks are first. Then some clothes. Last is the small paper box that contains a necklace that my mom left for me, at least that’s what my father said. He could have been lying, but I’d like to think she left something of hers behind for me. Looking around the room, I realize that this is it. The moment I’ve been waiting for. The day my life begins. So why am I so scared?