“Is everything well?” he croaked.

“Yes.” She nodded. “All is well.”

“Then, uh...”

Why are you in my bedroom,he wanted to demand?Why are you here throwing temptation at my feet?He’d done a fine job of controlling himself as she fell apart in his arms the other day and he didn’t regret it. Their connection had been perfect but tentative. The last thing he wanted to do was terrify his young wife and break what they’d achieved so far. He’d bedded a couple of virgins in the past and he knew that without time and patience, it could be an uncomfortable experience.

He’d rather die than cause Ivy an ounce of pain.

But she was pure temptation standing here right now. Especially now her family had returned home and they were alone again. Just the two of them.

“I couldn’t sleep,” she finally said.

He swallowed. Sleep came easily to him. He’d learned to sleep amongst cannon fire and cavalry marches. He’d learned long ago to snatch it whenever he could.

If he had Ivy at his side, however, it would probably be a different matter altogether. Sleep didn’t interest him one jot now she was standing in his bedroom in some mere slip of a nightgown.

Her shoulders trembled and he cursed under his breath and hastened out of bed. Her gaze flicked over his bare chest as he took the candle from her, set it on a table and tossed the sheets aside. “Get in, you must be frozen.”

Tentatively, she slipped in, her gaze continuing to flick from him to the bed and back again. He rubbed his stubbled jaw. He had no idea what to do with a wife who couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t something he ever worried about himself, so what the devil should he do with her?

He tucked the blanket around her and stood there for a few moments. “Should I, uh...” He frowned. “A hot drink perhaps?”

“Could you lie with me?”



Hell yes.

Against his pillows, she was the perfect picture of innocence, hands set primly in her lap, the high rise of her shift covering any hint of skin. He had this horrible, grating sensation in his gut he was going to ruin it all. He might be no murderer but if he hadn’t been in Mary’s life things would have been different, of that he was certain.

The flash of realization struck him hard. He was terrified.

Not just of scaring her away by simply being himself but of ruining her. He’d thought himself so damned noble, offering for her hand and scooping her up from certain ruination. Stupid, smug fool.


“Come lie with me please.”

God. How could he say no? Even with fear punching a hole in his gut, he found himself slipping into bed beside her, putting an arm around her shoulders and letting her rest against his chest.

“Is there anything that is worrying you?” he asked and inhaled the soap fragrance of her even as he cursed himself for being so weak.

She peered up at him. “One thing.”

“What is it?”

I’ll go conquer it, whatever it is, he would tell her.I’ll vanquish your every worry and ensure you never have a bad night’s sleep again.

Except he couldn’t promise that. Not when she was married to him.

“That man.”

He closed his eyes briefly. Ivy was no dolt. She had a curious mind and even when quiet, he saw her observing everything and everyone. Few secrets could be kept from her.

“What of that man?” He tried to keep the tightness from his voice.