That all made sense. Even the part where I didn’t quite know what to do with myself now.

“We…we justdidn’t.” I waved a hand as I searched for the words. “We weren’t close to others.”

He nodded, saying no more on the subject — I could always count on him not to judge me in any way — and I turned my attention back to the door to the funeral home. Who knew what Mom and Agatha were cooking up in there now? Hopefully nothing else for the memorial ceremony that would be dildo-shaped.



Splashing. Regular splashing.

I groaned and rolled over, burying my face in my pillow as the sound continued. What the hell? Last time I checked, my pool was a private space. And someone was really putting the mileage in on those laps.

I sighed and rolled over so I could see through the glass wall my bed rested against. I was able to get a good view of my balcony, and the pool crossed from the interior of my condo into the exterior space. The splashing continued, but I waited until a familiar figure came into view.


What the fuck? A low growl rumbled through my chest at the intrusion into my territory.

He might have been my beta — my best friend, even — but really? I didn’t need a morning wake-up call, and he didn’t need to be completing his fitness routine on my floor of the building, in my actual living quarters. I saw enough of him at the office every day as it was.

I rolled out of bed, my feet sinking into plush carpet as I dragged on my robe and fastened it loosely at my waist.

Then I exited my room onto the balcony and waited for Jackson to swim back around.

He didn’t see me straight away.

“Jackson.” I rapped out his name, the sound a command from his alpha as much as a way to get his attention.

He stopped and smiled as he pushed the dripping hair from his face. “Good morning, sunshine,” he greeted me. “Welcome to another spectacular day in Carwyn City.”

He sounded like a cheesy radio announcer, and my lips twitched in amusement in response.

Perhaps I should have started with agood morningof my own, but I didn’t. And I didn’t offer one now. “What the hell are you doing here?” I ground out instead, my voice still thick and scratchy with lack of use. “Why have you barged in to use my pool? There’s a perfectly good gym a few floors down.”

Jackson grinned again and floated onto his back, sculling in the water, his movements languid as he floated lazily. Then he laughed, his chuckle deep and easy. “I haven’t barged in. I walked into your apartment very quietly and used the key you gave me when you said these exact words:you can use the pool anytime.” He pitched his voice higher while mimicking me, the falsetto effect unnecessary and exaggerated.

I paused as I remembered the conversation he referenced. I must have taken leave of my senses at the time. Why would I ever want members of my pack wandering freely about my penthouse — even my beta?

“Well, what if I’d had company?” I folded my arms as I waited for his response, challenging him with my gaze. “That could have been awkward.”

But Jackson merely closed his eyes, and tilted his face to the early morning sun. “Ah,company,” he said. “Do I need to read you the dictionary definition of that word? I don’t think your history allows you to randomly havecompany.” He emphasized the word again, then made eye contact. “Not a single guest. Not even a one-night stand.”

I set my teeth at his words, sudden rage consuming me at the memories of the history he referred to. Saundra’s deception crashed back through me, and I tightened my hands into fists. Because of her, I’d lost everything. Myfamilyhad lost everything, and I’d been trying to make up for it ever since. Even now, I could have smashed all of my belongings and possessions in an attempt to deflect my rage. Jackson didn’t know what he was taking about, though, so I forced my temper to cool down.

I drew in a slow breath. It was too early in the morning to lose it, even if Jackson had been pissing me off. And truth be told, he was the only one I allowed to get away with any kind of button-pushing or boundary violations.

Anyone else would have been ordered out of my pool and told never to return.

But who was I kidding? He was pretty much the only one allowed up here, anyway. No one else would have made it past the front door while I was still in bed in the first place, let alone been given a key.

“Some of us have work to do.” I still spoke through gritted teeth. The rage Saundra’s memory had conjured was slow about leaving me, no matter how much I willed it away. “Finish your laps and we’ll ride into the office together.”

But Jackson knew I wasn’t issuing alpha orders as I went back into my bedroom and approached my large walk-in closet, my mind already on the day ahead. I selected my suit and took a leisurely shower before I met Jackson on the floor beneath mine. There were four condos down here, and one of them was his.

“Are we going into the office or staying in Lycan Heights today?” He started talking before he’d even closed and locked his front door.

As much as I liked Lycan Heights and the view from my penthouse, we were needed at the main office. We could have worked from here, in one of the offices set up for Apex Asset Management several floors below this one, but sometimes I valued separation of home and work. Especially when Lycan Heights held apartments for various members of my pack who lived in the city. My two lives were already way too entwined as it was.