It also sounded like Jo’s and Wesley’s conversation with the police had been as successful as my talk with Owen about the truck that had wrecked my car. There was no further avenue to pursue on either one right now.

It was as if we were all sitting around and waiting for things to escalate, but that wasn’t exactly an acceptable situation for me. It meant I had no control. Everything was currently set to defense, but I had no idea where the next attack might originate from.

And damn, I was spread pretty thin. Wesley needed ongoing protection here at the hospital, and Jo and Charmaine needed protection at Amelia’s. But Ames was out of service, at least for tonight, and Girard wouldn’t take kindly to me risking any more of his guys…hell,Ididn’t take kindly to risking any more of his guys. They weremyguys, too.

All the attack had done today was reinforce how vulnerable anyone connected to Gold Moon still was, and I couldn’t think of how to increase my protection over all of them.

Until I did. I mean, I already had. I just had to discuss the move with Jo.

I looked at her, watching until she met my gaze. “How would you feel about sleeping with me tonight?”

Her eyes widened and her lips parted. Then she pressed them together before parting them a second time. She glanced at the doors leading into the ER, then frowned. “Wesley’s in the hosp…” She shook her head and tried again. “Now might not really be the time to be thinking about—”

“At my place,” I quickly clarified. “I meant how would you like to sleep at Lycan Heights tonight?” With me…ofcoursewith me, but not for…that. Well, only if she wanted to. “I don’t have an ulterior motive. Just your safety.”

She watched me, not saying anything while I explained myself.

“I can leave Foster here with Wesley so he’ll be guarded. But if I can take you and Charmaine back to Lycan Heights with me, I’ll know you’ll have plenty of protection. Charmaine can have one of the vacant condos in the building, and no one would even attempt to get into Lycan Heights. Not if they value their lives. It just means that I don’t have small security teams dotted all over town watching you. And I think this really might be the best use of my resources.” I stopped and waited for her to say something. When she didn’t, desperation made me start speaking again. “I mean, it’s reasonable, right? The best way to protect everyone.”

I was just thinking of whether there was a better way to put it when she nodded.

“Yes?” I tried to clarify. Nods usually meantyes, right? But it felt like I needed her to confirm verbally. Or even in writing if I wanted to be especially sure. “You’re happy to come back to Lycan Heights for the night?”

She nodded again. “It sounds like a good idea. If it means everyone has better protection, I’m not sure I can really say no. I can’t be the reason people are in danger again. I’ve been that once already today, and look how it worked out.”

Hell, yeah. And it didn’t just sound likea good idea.It sounded like the best idea.

“I need to go back inside and tell Charmaine the change of plans.” As she spoke, she was already moving toward the door.

I nodded and watched as the doors closed behind her. I didn’t even like having her out of my sight. My thoughts ran wild with images of Owen Vulcan lurking around corners, ready to pounce and whisk her away.

Ambulances rolled past behind me, but I kept my gaze fixed on the door. Eventually, she and Charmaine emerged, Charmaine looking particularly tired.

“Hi, Charmaine. Did Jo tell you that I’ve invited you both to Lycan Heights?”

She nodded. “Yes, she did. Thank you so much.” Her smile was genuine but slow to form.

“It should be safer.” There wasn’t a lot else to say besides that.

But Charmaine was from a pack background. She already understood the rule of many versus the rule of few.

“Yeah.” She smiled more quickly this time. “And it’s been a long time since I’ve been around pack life like this.” She grimaced. “Actually, I’m not sure I’ve ever been around pack life like this, where the pack actually cares for each other like Silver Claw does. This will be really nice.”

I smiled. Hearing the opinions of other wolves about my pack always made me happy. I wasn’t averse to a little ego-stroking now and again.

And Charmaine really proved what I was trying to do. There were other people in Carwyn City who needed the help of my pack. Maybe temporary help, maybe longer-term, but we were in a position to offer that.

Like now.

“If you like, I can send Foster with you so you can gather some of your things from where you live, then he’ll bring you over to Lycan Heights. If you like it there,” I added, “you could even move in if the condo is preferable to where you currently are.” There I went again, inviting people to join us.

Jo was having an odd effect on me.

She smiled. “Thank you. There are a few things I should probably get from my place, but only if Foster isn’t needed for Wes? I can manage on my own, if he’s alright.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure everyone’s guarded.” I looked at Jo. “You’re stuck with me, I’m afraid. I’ll take you back to the condo and we can send for your things separately.” The sooner I got her back, the better. I wanted her scent mingling with mine again. It had faded too much since she’d been there last.

And I wanted to see her hair splayed across one of my pillows, the curves of her body barely hidden under my sheets.