Somewhere along the line, lust for Jo had become a full-blown emotional war inside me, and my wolf was fighting for Jo to be as close to us as possible. But I didn’t want that. I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t used to fighting against my wolf, but I needed to this time.

And dammit. I had a pack and a company to run, and the constant fighting of my wolf — full-on fucking fighting for what he wanted, for Jo’s love — was interfering with that big time.

On top of that, I was trying to shift the primary function of Apex to be more inclusive to everyone, which was definitely receiving some opposition, and Jo’s life had been threatened twice in twenty-four hours.

Fucking twice. On my watch.

But not anymore. I wouldn’t stand for it, and my wolf wouldn’t stand for it. Shehadto come to Lycan Heights.

Oh, shit. But I could see it. I could see it all now.

Brody and Jackson were right. Whether I wanted to or not, I was falling in love with Jo. Because in the end, everything came back to her and her safety.

I just couldn’t say it out loud right now.



“Jo?” Mom turned to me as I walked into the kitchen. “I thought you said you’d be back before your friends woke up?”

Wes and Charmaine both looked at me, too.

“Yeah, Jo,” Wes said. “What about your trip to Apex took you longer than you thought it would?” He waggled his eyebrows and laughed at me.

My cheeks heated, and Charmaine laughed, too. “Oh, girrrrrrrrrrrrl,” she crooned. “You’re looking a little flustered.”

“I’ll say.” Even Mom giggled.

“How’s it all going, Mom? Nearly ready to head off?” My change of subject was clumsy, and I knew it.

So did Mom. She winked. “Youarelooking flustered,” she said. “A little hot and bothered. Maybe even flushed. Can I really leave you when it looks like you’re getting sick?” She reached out like she might rest the back of her hand against my forehead.

“Yes, Mom!” I was exasperated now. “I’m not sick. I was just rushing home to get back to Wes and Charmaine in case they woke up.”

“Uh-huh.” Wes nodded, but his sound of agreement said the exact opposite.

I glared at him. “Thanks for your input, Wes. Anyone else want to comment on the length of my business meeting, or can we see Mom go on her vacation properly, now?” I glanced at everyone, and Wes mimed zipping his lips shut and throwing away the key.

“Not sure any zipper will work on a mouth that size, Wes, but nice try,” I murmured before turning to Mom. “Excited?”

“Oh, yes!” She looked like she could barely keep from hugging herself with glee as she tightened her hands into fists at her side. “I’ve already spoken to April this morning and she has so many ideas of the things we can do.” She lowered her voice. “April is AprilCrenshawe. Wait! Did I say that already? I did, right?”

I nodded, but I didn’t care that she was repeating herself. It was nice to see her so happy about something. There was a distinct fangirl element in her voice about being on first-name terms with April.

“What time do you need to head out?” I reached for my mug to prepare myself some new coffee. The kitchen table was littered with the detritus of breakfast, signaling that Charmaine and Wes had already eaten.

“In about…” Mom glanced at the clock on the wall, then she gasped and brought her hand to her chest, the familiar gesture jingling all of her bracelets. “Oh…oh, now! Royce, we have to leave now.”

He nodded and stood, completely calm and in control. He had everything in hand, and I relaxed. Mom could be ditzy and flighty, and it was good to see that Royce was none of those things.

Mom gave me one last perfume-cloud hug, and I gripped a little harder before I released her.

“I’ll miss you,” I whispered, my throat tight.

“I’ll see you soon,” she promised.

“Have a fantastic time.” My vision blurred as I forced a megawatt grin for her, and she fluttered a wave of her fingers.