“There’s a company looking to take over Gold Moon. They’ve been sniffing around for a while. The owner has arranged a meeting with you in the morning.”

When I didn’t respond, she touched my forearm briefly. “I am truly so sorry for your loss. Joseph was the best of men.” Her eyes shone brightly. “And I’m equally as sorry to dump all of this on you. I know he had plans to discuss it all with you. He spoke so highly of you, and he obviously trusted you.”

I nodded, suddenly unable to speak.

“I just didn’t want you to be blind-sided, and I didn’t want to discuss it with everyone else at the funeral, either.”

“No, you did right.” I conjured a smile just for her. Of all the things we had to worry about today, I didn’t want her to worry about sharing this with me.

If she was right about Dad planning to tell me — and there was no reason to doubt that — she’d done exactly the right thing. The worst part was that I had even more questions now than I’d had at the house.

She slid back from the seat and offered me a shaky smile. “I should go, but you can reach me if you need me, and I’ll be at the office bright and early as usual.”

I nodded. “Thanks, Charmaine. I appreciate your time.”

She nodded briefly then walked away, her clutch purse tucked under her arm, her heels clacking against the floor, the sound almost telegraphing her unease and need to get away.

I watched her disappear into the shadows, and when I turned around, a man stood at my elbow.

He was tall and blond and very broad, but that was all I noticed as a startled gasp forced itself from my mouth.

“Let me buy you a drink.” It wasn’t even a question. It was clearly something he’d already decided to do. “I’m Patrick.” Then he waited, and I hesitated a beat too long.

His brow furrowed.

“Josephine.” I offered my hand, which he clasped in his, and heat ran up my arm at the contact. I bit back a gasp.

For some reason, I’d given my full name, which I never did. But there was something about the power radiating off this man that made me want to be impressive rather than reduce myself to two letters. I wanted to impress him.

I glanced in the direction of where I’d left Wes. Hopefully he’d get the message.Run away home. I didn’t need him as a witness to my uncharacteristic drink with a stranger.

“Gin again?” he repeated. There was something of a command in his voice.

I chuckled. “Another sounds nice.”

It sounded more than nice. It sounded great. Like an escape. The run had been freeing in the moment, but now that I’d allowed myself that small measure of freedom, it was like my body craved more. This would allow me to get out of my head for a while and forget the day. I needed to forget.

No-strings, forgettable fun was the certainly the order of the day now.



Ishoved the last fry into my mouth and chewed thoughtfully as I pushed my plate away and pulled my file closer. Going over all of the paperwork one last time was just the routine for each acquisition Apex made.

As long as I had every contract and proposal airtight and buttoned up, it gave the company we were moving to take down less wiggle room and really less reason to argue.

I sighed as I checked my watch. I’d been here longer than I expected, but Gold Moon was quite an important take, if the spike in profits was any indication. But the service for Joseph Everly was probably over by now, and I really did need to pay my respects to his family.

At least before I was an unfriendly face, anyway.

I stood to leave, but caught sight of a woman at the bar, her features illuminated by the glow of a nearby light.

Not just any woman.

The most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

Her dark brown hair hung down her back and her bone structure was delicate, lending her a degree of vulnerability. My wolf strained inside me, the urge to protect a sudden impulse in my head.