Page 22 of Grumpy Boss Daddy

“You used to call me Luke, remember?”

“I do remember.” Elle spins around to face me, and I see the distress in her eyes. “I also remember how we said it would be just one time, and that’s what it was. One time. Nothing more.”

“That hasn’t been forgotten.”

“So why are you approaching me now?” Elle glances away and she shakes her head. “Please, just don’t come near me, Mr Ward. I have a job to do, and I can’t be seen talking when I’m busy.”



Elle moves away from me, picking up the last lighting fixture, and moves it to the side of the room. I am about to go after her when I’m stopped by Coach Winter, who is coming across the studio towards me.

“Mr Ward! Thank you for coming!”

I fix a smile on my face and turn to meet him, accepting the outstretched hand. The grip from the older man is strong and firm.

“It’s not a problem at all, Coach. Mr Daniels and I are happy to meet the team. We have to know about the people we’ve bought, after all.” I shrug. “Besides, I was curious to see what the team were like. I’m impressed on first impressions, I will admit.”

“Excellent!” Coach Winter beams. “The boys are going to be at training now, but we have organized a press conference after lunch. Are you and Mr Daniels set for lunch?”

“I don’t think so. Anywhere you can recommend?”

“If you’re into barbecue or cajun, there’s a new restaurant near the stadium that caters to your tastebuds.”

That sounds like something Marcus would like. I don’t mind barbecue, either. But the thought of food is not on my mind now I’ve found Elle.

And, from the way she’s rushing out, she’s eager to leave. I don’t want that to happen.

“How about you talk to Mr Daniels about it? He’s still with the journalist, and I’ve got to finish up here.”

“Of course. I’ll have a word with him.” Coach Stephens gives me a brisk nod. “I’ll see you later, Mr Ward.”

Clapping me on the arm, he leaves the room. As he goes, I turn to see Elle coming out from another room just off the studio, putting on a coat and slinging a bag over her shoulder. She is moving quickly, not even looking in my direction. I start towards her.


But she ignores me, heading towards the door and leaving. The door shuts a little too hard behind her, which makes Diane look up with a frown.

“I really wish she would stop doing that. The door doesn’t need that much force.”

“She’s leaving for lunch?”

“For the day. We don’t have anything else to do today, so I said she could go home.” Diane shrugs. “All that’s needed is some editing, and we don’t need two of us to do it. Besides, she can be around to pick up her daughter from kindergarten. She doesn’t get to do that normally.”

Elle has a kid? So she has moved on. I don’t like hearing that, but I can’t argue with it. I’m not her own, so Elle can do what she wants. Including start a family with someone else.

But I still don’t like it.

I should be leaving and going with Marcus. We should carry on with our meetings, but now I’ve found Elle I don’t want to leave. I need to find out more, although Elle is not going to be inclined to talk to me.

Maybe I can speak to her colleague instead. She might be inclined to talk.

I walk towards the desk.

“She seems to be efficient. I watched her work earlier.”

“She is. Very efficient. I don’t think I know anyone who works as hard as her.” Diane shrugs as she sits back in her chair. “Except me, perhaps. When she came to work for me as an apprentice five years ago, she was doing three part-time jobs while raising a baby. Now she’s only on one, thank God. The poor thing would run herself ragged just earning for her daughter.”