Page 85 of Grumpy Boss Daddy

“I have no idea. I wasn’t even aware that they were in the state. Kevin did call me last night, but he seemed to be asking me about my movements tomorrow.”

“Did you tell him what you were up to?”

“I kept it vague. I didn’t tell him we were going to the park, though.” Mrs Anderson is swaying on her feet. “To have my great-granddaughter taken in front of me…I can’t believe I had to witness that.”

I grab a nearby chair and bring it over. Then I urge the elderly woman to sit down.

“Thank you.”

Mrs Anderson sits heavily, her face ashen. I’m worried that she’s going to end up having a heart attack. I crouch beside her.

“Can I get you anything?”

“No, just give me a moment. I need to get back into Elle, and I don’t want to see her like this.” Mrs Anderson looks at me, fear flickering in her eyes. “You’re going to get Amy back, aren’t you? I’ve called the police, and they’re looking for her, but…”

“I’ll get her back. I’ll be bringing her in myself.” I am going to keep that promise. “Is there anything you can think of that might be useful? What did you say to the police?”

“An officer has come by and taken details of what happened.”

“Did you tell them it was your son who took Amy?”

Mrs Anderson nods.

“I did, and they said they would look into it. But I don’t have a way of knowing where he might be.”

“What about GPS? Do you have that thing on your phone where you can sync up with someone else and know their whereabouts?”

“No, we’re estranged. I don’t have anything to do with him, so I wouldn’t be linking our phones together.” Mrs Anderson’s eyes widened. “I forgot! Kevin’s car would have GPS. And from what I saw as they left, they were using his car.”

That is something. I bring out my phone.

“Tell me the license number. We can get the GPS signal from that if we know the make and model as well.”

She tells me, and I tap it into a message on my phone, sending it off to a friend of mine who does our IT stuff for the company. If anyone can find someone with a car tracker without going through the rigmarole, it’s him. Mrs Anderson is watching me as I put my phone away.

“Will that help find Amy?” she asks.

“I hope so. He’ll find where your son’s car is.”

“Do you think he’s going to hurt her?” Elle’s grandmother looks nervous. “I’m scared that they might harm her if Amy refuses to do what they want.”

“I don’t think they will. After all, they just want Amy as their own, don’t they?” I stand up and squeeze her shoulder. “You stay with Elle and make sure she doesn’t leave. She needs someone with her right now. I’m going to get Amy back.”

“Please do that. I know the cops will be able to find her, but…” Mrs Anderson shakes her head. “I would feel better knowing that you’re there when she’s found.”

I have no intention of being anywhere else. I walk away and head back outside, still brimming with anger, but I’m determined now. There is a lead, and that is giving me hope. I’m going to get my kid back.

The cops had better be close when I find my daughter, because I won’t be responsible for my actions once I get hold of Kevin Anderson.

My phone bleeps as I reach my car, and I see it’s from my contact. He’s just sent me the coordinates of the location of Kevin’s car, along with the address. It’s a motel on the outskirts of Cleveland, right near the route that would take Kevin back to where he lives. I text him back to notify the police about it and I start driving over there.

It doesn’t take long to get to the motel, but I feel like I’ve been driving for hours. I see Kevin’s car outside one of the rooms, and a light on inside the room itself. Pulling up behind his car, I get out and approach the room. Part of me is telling me that I should wait for the police to arrive and let them deal with the idiots, but I can’t hang around for them. My daughter is in there, and I want her out.

Amy is coming home with me, not with them.

I knock on the door, angling myself so they can’t see me through the blinds across the window. I freeze when I hear Amy’s voice.

“Who’s that? Is it Mommy?”