Page 82 of Grumpy Boss Daddy

“Luke doesn’t deserve you in his life. That’s my life! And he can’t have it!”


I punch him in the stomach. Ben groans and lets go of me, falling to his knees as he clutches at his stomach. I back away before he can grab hold of me. My heart is racing, and I feel nauseous. Seeing Ben like this makes me regret not addressing our relationship properly years ago. Now he’s coming across as a madman.

I take a deep breath to calm myself.

“You have two weeks to get your things out of the house and find somewhere new.”

“What?” Ben is panting heavily as he looks up at me. “You’re telling me that I have to leave?”

“Carly and I will buy you out of your share of the house, but after what you’ve done just now and what you’re trying to do with Luke, I can’t have you anywhere near me or Amy.”

Ben pushes himself up, staring at me like I’ve gone mad myself.

“You would block me from seeing her?”

“You’ve tried to sabotage my relationship with Luke, and you are showing you’re being too possessive over me. I can’t trust you anymore.” I fight back the tears as I look down at my friend of eight years. “I’ll do whatever I can to protect my daughter.”

“But I would never hurt her!”

“You just put your hands on me. Can you safely say you wouldn’t do the same to Amy?” I step around Ben. “Grandma is going to be here soon. Please, just leave us alone and make arrangements to move out. This has gone on for long enough.”

I can’t look at him right now. Not after what he’s just said. I need to put space between us as quickly as I can. Hurrying away, I enter the playground. Amy is coming down the slide as I approach her. She runs over to me.

“Are you okay, Mommy?” she asks. “I heard you shouting at Uncle Ben.”

“It’s fine, honey.” I manage a smile and I kiss her head. “We just had a disagreement.”

“Are you going to make up?”

I hesitate before I answer.

“Possibly. We just need a bit of time. You’ll understand when you’re older.”

“Okay.” Amy hugs me. “That’s for you. I thought you might want a hug.”

“You are so sweet, my darling.” I hug her back. “I love you.”

“Love you, too, Mommy.” Amy lets go of me and runs over to the climbing frame again, waving at someone behind me. “Hi, Grandma!”

I turn, and I see Grandma coming into the playground, still huddled in her coat. Smiling, I go over to her and we embrace.

“Thanks for coming.”

“It’s no problem. I said that I would do whatever was needed to help you.” Grandma raises her eyebrows. “Although I wasn’t expecting you to want help with this. Wouldn’t this be better to do with Luke?”

“I need to talk to Amy on her own. She might react badly to the news.”

“You think she’s not going to be happy that you never told her before?”

I don’t bother to deny it, not when Grandma knows me too well.

“That’s my fault, and I’m willing to admit it. I just need someone with me when I do it. Then I can bring Luke in once Amy has gotten used to the news. I don’t want his heart broken if Amy rejects him outright.”

“You really believe that’s going to happen?”

“I hope it doesn’t.