Page 5 of Grumpy Boss Daddy

“And for you to have someone to rant to. I’m happy to let you complain as much as you need, or to sit beside you in silence.” Marcus shrugs. “Whatever you need, and I think you’ve done both.”

I can agree with that. In the last couple of hours, I have gone from ranting about how Hannah used me to sitting in silence. I feel exhausted from it all. The only thing that has brightened the evening is the pretty blonde waitress serving our table. I have only been single for a couple of days, but I cannot take my eyes off her when she comes into view.

Something catches my eye, and I look over to see the waitress at another table nearby. There are four young men of college age making comments at her that make her embarrassed. One of the guys is leering at her, opening ogling her breasts. She looks uncomfortable, quickly taking their orders before she hurries away. I watch her go, and see that she is almost close to tears. What just happened there?

“Hello? Luke?” Marcus waves a hand hand in front of my face again. “You’re drooling again.”


“That girl. Why don’t you just ask her if she wants to go back to your place instead of looking like a creep?”

I frown at my friend.

“Marcus, she’s clearly upset. I’m not about to proposition her.”

“Well, maybe you should. It will take your mind off the bitch you were with for far too long.” Marcus looks at his watch. “Shit, I’d better get going. I promised Rachel I would see that movie with her. She’s been dying to go for a while.”

“Okay.” I manage a smile and gesture at his empty plate. “I’ll settle up the bill.”

“Thanks.” Marcus taps my shoulder with his fist. “I’ll come by tomorrow. We’ve got that plan to go over, and a fresh start is what we need.”

Marcus walks away, heading towards the exit. I go back to my food. I’m exhausted, and I want to go home, but my stomach is telling me that I need to eat. Also, I find that I can’t really leave without losing contact with the waitress.

I feel a little uncomfortable paying attention to her when I’m newly single, and she’s clearly not in a good mood, but I can’t help myself. I am unable to stop watching her when she comes into view, and it’s getting to me. Thankfully, Marcus didn’t notice that I’ve been sitting with an erection for most of the evening.

Maybe he had, but my best friend didn’t say anything about it.

I am almost finished with my meal when I hear a gasp. I look around, and I see the waitress standing by the college jocks’ table, her hand holding onto her backside. One of the jocks is high-fiving his friends. Did they just grope her?

Something stirs in my belly, and I feel the familiar strain of anger building. How dare they put their hands on her like that? I have to stop myself from getting up, going over to them, and slamming the bastard’s head into the table.

Calm down. She’s not yours, so you need to back off.

I wouldn’t mind if she was mine.

Whoa, where had that come from? I barely know the woman, and I don’t even know her name. Yet I’m being possessive over her?

“Come on, Elle, don’t be so frigid.” One of the guys sits back in his chair and puts his hands behind his head. “You love it really, don’t you?”

I watch as she regains her composure and crouches down to pick up the tray, which is on the floor at her feet. She puts it on the table, not looking at any of the guys watching her. Another one of the boys, a muscular-looking blond who looks like he spends a lot of time in the gym, leans over and gives her backside a firm swat. The sound of his smack is very loud and seems to echo around the room. She jumps, and the boys burst into laughter again. I see that she says something, but it is drowned out by the sneering.

I cannot believe what is happening. How do they think this is appropriate? And I can’t sit here and not do anything about it.

Standing up, I stride over to their table. She is still taking their empty plates, putting them on the tray and not looking at anyone. Her cheeks are red. I glare at the lads at the table.

“Knock it off, will you?”

The guy sitting closest to me looks me up and down and scoffs.

“What do you want? Haven’t you got anything better to do?”

“Yeah, buzz off and leave us alone.” The kid with his hands behind his head is sneering at me, looking me up and down like I’m something he’s just stepped in. “We’re just trying to have dinner.”

“Does dinner also include assaulting the waitress?” I ask sharply.

The second guy snorts.

“Assault? We haven’t hit her.”