Page 12 of Grumpy Boss Daddy

“Who else would it be? Are you going to let me in?”

“Hmm?” I look down at myself, remembering that I’m naked. “Oh. Right. Come on up.”

I have enough time to throw some clothes on before my friend arrives. While I may be comfortable with my body, I’m not comfortable enough to stand naked before Marcus. Hurrying into the bedroom, I throw on some sweatpants and a t-shirt, all the while wondering where Elle could have gone. Maybe she did have a family emergency, but something doesn’t sit right with me. It feels like she was just making up a reason to leave.

What happened? So many questions are going around in my head, and I don’t know any of the answers.

Maybe the restaurant can help me. They would have her contact details. My spirit renewed, I head into the living room and find my phone. It doesn’t take much to find the number for the restaurant, and a pleasant-sounding woman answers the phone after a few rings.

“Good morning, Franco’s Bar and Grill.”

“Hi, I was one of your customers last night, and I found a pocketbook by the restrooms. My colleague reminded me about it just now.” I cross my fingers. Hopefully, they will take the lie. “There was no ID inside, but there was a picture of our server inside. I believe it might be hers.”

“Oh! Which server was it?”

“I believe she said her name was Elle.”

“One second.”

There is a knock at the door, and I head through the apartment to open it. Marcus gives me a questioning look, but I put a finger to my lips before beckoning him inside. A moment later, the woman is back.

“I’ve just spoken to my supervisor. He said that Elle didn’t mention having lost a pocketbook.”

“Maybe it was her boyfriend’s if he was there last night.” I suggest, trying not to think about Elle having a boyfriend.

“Elle’s single. It could be hers.” The woman sounds dubious. “But I don’t know how we’re going to contact her. She quit this morning.”

I feel cold.


“She called very early, before we opened, and said that she was quitting immediately.”

“I see.” I try not to sound frustrated. “So, there’s no way that I can get the pocketbook to her? Doesn’t she have a friend or something?”

“She goes to the university here. You could try contacting them to see if they will let you know. Other than that, you’re going to have to turn it in to the police so they can get it to her. I’m sorry, sir.”

“It’s fine. It was a long shot.” A very long shot that didn’t work. I sigh. “Okay, thanks.”

I hang up, feeling worse than I did when I woke up. Marcus leans on the counter and watches me with some amusement.

“So, are you going to tell me what you’ve been up to? Why are you asking to return a girl’s pocketbook?”

“That part was a lie.” I put my cell phone down, fighting back the desire to throw it across the room. “I just want to find that girl who was serving us.”

“What? Why?” Then Marcus’ eyes widen. “Wait, don’t tell me. You fucked her, didn’t you?”

I don’t respond, but I can feel my face getting warm. There is no point in denying it: Marcus knows me too well. Marcus groans.

“Seriously, Luke? You had to take one of the waitresses home?”

“We were both consenting adults, so what’s wrong with that?”

“Sounds like she wasn’t too happy about it, seeing as she’s already gone.”

I scowl at him. Then I pace away, thumping the doorframe with my fist.

“I have no idea what I did wrong. But I know that Elle has managed to cover her tracks in the time between her leaving and me waking up.”