"Claire wanted to go to the playground after lunch today."

"After your lunch with Lucas?" I asked.

I'd gotten to know his schedule just like he'd gotten to know mine. Him and Lucas had created a schedule to split their days of watching Claire. Lucas had her during the week and Adam on the weekends, but Lucas took them to brunch every Sunday.

"Yeah," Adam hesitated. "Lucas couldn't make it to lunch today, though."

I crossed my arms, chewing my lips. "Oh, why not?"

"He had some work thing today. But you know that you can call him and ask. He talks about you every day."

My heart skipped. "You haven't told him about our calls, have you?"

"No, Olive. You asked me not to. Believe it or not, I can actually keep a secret."

"I trust you, Adam. I just...I just need a second to breathe."

"A second, I get, Olive. But it's been a month. When are you coming home? It's the question on everyone's mind."

"I don't know," I whispered. "I’m just afraid of disappointing her, Adam. I feel like I'm going to fuck up again."

"Olive, every parent fucks up. That's part of the job. But you're disappointing her by not being here."

"At least, she has the two of you."

Adam sighed. "And she's happy. And doing well. But you're the person who has been in her life longer than anyone."

"And I will still be here. Always," I said. "I only need to be able to trust myself first."

"I get it. And I'm glad you're still calling. Because believe it or not, I miss you."

"I miss you too." I took a deep breath. "Can you ask her if she wants to talk?"

"I can try." He was silent for a second, and then I heard him call Claire's name. "It's mommy. Do you want to talk to her?"

There was a muffled response that I couldn't make out, and a moment later? Adam came back on the phone. "I'm sorry, Olive. She's just not feeling it. She's upset."

Emotion choked in my chest. "I get it. Will you just...will you just tell her that I love her?"

"Of course, sis. Always."

"I'll call you soon." I hung up before any tears could spill.

The afternoon passed in a daze, and eventually, I made my way to a local restaurant to grab a bite. The servers had gotten used to my presence, and although they never called me by name, it was clear by their expressions and the hushed whispers that occasionally trailed me that they recognized me.

Half way through eating my flat bread, a conversation of two men sitting at the bar beside me caught my attention.

"Look at this prick. Can you believe it?"

I glanced over and realized they were pointing at the television. Following their gaze, I looked up and saw Jessie Isaacs hosting a press conference on the screen. I skimmed the headline and nearly dropped the flatbread on the plate.

Fraud charges dropped against Boston mayor, Jessie Isaacs.

"Um, can you turn that up?" I asked the server.

She smiled at me, grabbed the remote, and turned it up.

My stomach churned at the sound of Jessie's voice. His grin made me want to vomit. "Yes, yes," Jessie was saying. "I couldn't be happier with the DA's decision to drop the charges as I've been cleared of any wrongdoing."