Was he seriously going to make me guess? "All right, spill it, Jess."

"It's a big white house."

Five words, but hell, who was counting? The fucking White House? I'll be damned. So the rumors were true.

I could practically hear Jessie grinning. "You're one of the first to hear it, Lucas. I'm making my bid for president next month. Your boy is officially in the big game!"

And so was this boy. There was only one reason Jessie was calling me. He wanted to continue this business relationship. Which meant that when he got elected as President—which, as the polls implied, he no doubt would—my cyber security company would be the first private sector to be locked into a contract with the Department of Defense.

Talk about respect. Talk about power. This was shattering the glass ceiling.

"Congrats, Jess, that's amazing."

"It's big news for sure. Listen, how about we meet for an early lunch tomorrow, say eleven, Amelio's?

My heart was racing. "I'll be there."

I hung up with a grin, barely able to contain the adrenaline pumping through me.

"Your keys, sir."

Flipping open my wallet, I yanked out a Benjamin, the one hundred dollar bill crisp in my hand as I flattened it against the valet's chest. "Keep the change."

I revved the engine the entire way home.

* * *

My water sliddown my throat, making me choke. There's no way I heard that right.

Jessie cackled, slapping his hand against my back. Amelio's was deserted—not because no one wanted to eat here but because Jessie was here. He always got the private dining room when he arrived, his bodyguards standing by every exit.

"I get it," Jessie sighed. "It's a big ask."

"A big ask. That's one way to describe it." I cleared my throat and took another sip of water. "Excuse me, Jess...I'm just going to need you to repeat that for me again?"

Jessie leaned back, his hands linking over his suit. He was in his mid-forties and the kind of politician people ate up. Handsome, a fatter George Clooney but with a similar vibe, confident but modes, charming but honest. "As it stands, I'm looking for the long run here, Lucas. I need someone good by my side, someone that makes me appear progressive but not too left, if you catch my drift. Someone to balance me out. That's where you come in. If all goes well, I want you to be my VP."

Dropping my fork on my uneaten spaghetti, I leaned back into the chair and pressed my palm against the back of my mouth. This had to be a joke.

Jessie leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table as he clasped his hands and gave me that one hundred and ten percent attention politicians do when they want you to feel heard, special. "What are you thinking? Talk to me."

I pressed my fingers into my forehead. "Honest to God thoughts?"

Jessie nodded. "Honest to God thoughts."

"I think you're fucking nuts."

There was his cackle again.

It was my turn to lean forward and ask questions. "I mean, Jessie, when you called last night, I thought you wanted my company at all the banks. Then you mentioned the White House, and I was thinking contracts with the DOD, getting into the big house with my business...not living there."

Jessie smiled. "Well, you wouldn't actually live at the White House. The Vice President has their own home. But I get your drift. What if I told you that if you took this offer, I could get you your business in the White House?"

"I'd say that's probably illegal. Isn't the VP not supposed to be profiting from things?"

Jessie waved his hand around. "Semantics. There are ways around all things. Put your business in another person's name for example. But that's a conversation for a later time. Think about it, Lucas. You're a billionaire, handsome, in your thirties. One of the most successful bachelor's in this city... What's the next step for you? Don't you ever feel like you've peaked?"

"Well, I guess that's why I wanted to expand my company."