It had been a Friday night, and we’d drank enough seltzers at the football

game that I was tipsy enough to invite him back to my dorm. It wasn’t like we hadn’t had sex before, but I was still working on building up my confidence when it came to being sexual with him.

We stumbled into my dorm, our arms wrapped around each other, his tongue dancing in my mouth. He flicked on the lights, and I immediately reached out and turned them off.

“Olive, you’re so beautiful,” Lucas whispered, leaning back. “I want to look at you when I fuck you.”

My cheeks flushed at his words. Although I’d lost my virginity in high school, college was a whole other ball game. I wasn’t used to dirty talk. Lucas was three years older than me and clearly more experienced.

His confidence intimidated me, but he never once made me feel inferior.

“Hold on,” I smiled. Reaching over to the nightstand, I turned on a softer, dimmer light. “Compromise?”

Lucas grinned, his brilliant blue eyes twinkling. “Deal.” He picked me up so fast I cried in excited glee. Lowering me on the bed, Lucas flipped me over on my stomach and unzipped my sparkly dress. Helping me shimmy out of it, he leaned over and trailed his tongue down my spine.

Gripping my ass, he spread my cheeks apart and licked from my ass down to my pussy. “Oh, fuck,” I cried, my hands twisting into the mattress.

“You want me, baby?”

“Please, Lucas, please fuck me.”

Spinning me over onto my back, he smiled down at me and sighed. “You don’t know how beautiful you are, do you?”

I couldn’t hide my smile if I tried. Unbuttoning his shirt and dropping his pants, he crouched above me, his cock fully erect and throbbing.

No man had ever made me feel like this before. The way he could get hard just by looking at my body filled me with a sense of excitement and wonder. It stirred a feeling in my chest I’d never experienced before.

With Lucas, I felt seen. Loved. I even felt brave enough to dirty talk back to him.

“Fuck me, Lucas.”

“Yes, baby.”

Sex was still a new experience for me, and the excitement was beyond unbearable. I moaned before he even entered me.

Leaning over me, the head of his penis slid inside my wet pussy. My eyes clenched, and I cried even louder, arching my back as I dug my fingernails down his back.

My previous experience with sex had been awkward at best. With Lucas, this was beyond comfortable. It was exciting, breathtaking, it was—

“Can you guys shut the fuck up?” My roommate slammed on the wall we shared.

Lucas and I burst out laughing.

With Lucas, sex was just plain fucking fun.

Lucas kissed me to keep our moans quiet, and as we rolled over in bed, his cock still inside me, he paused and grinned.

“Olive?” he whispered. “I love you.”

My heart dropped, and it took everything within me not to cry. “I love you, Lucas.”

And I’ve never loved anyone as much as him since.

"What do you think?" Quinn asked, shaking me out of my thoughts.

I looked again at Lucas Wilson, my ex-boyfriend and Claire's father. He turned to shake the mayor's hand.

I smiled. "I'm fucking in."