With trembling hands, I answered the call. "Hello?"

No one responded. Except I could hear something faint, a gasping panting breath. My stomach churned, my heart hardening. I didn't know how, but a certainty suddenly slammed into me.


The silence dragged out for another second. "Yeah. Olive, it's me."

I grabbed the counter to hold myself steady. "Oh my God." I glanced toward the closed door, hoping Lucas hadn't heard me. "Quinn...I thought you were dead."

He chuckled nervously. "No, I'm very much alive...for now."

"They said you're missing."

"Yeah, on purpose," Quinn hissed. "Do you have it? The video?"

The USB with the copy of Jessie's video had never left my side. It was still inside my purse, which was now currently hidden inside an air vent in the closet of this bathroom. "Yeah. I have it."

"Fuck," Quinn whispered. "I figured you got it with the way they came after me...but you need to be careful. You're in danger."

"What the fuck does that mean, Quinn? Should I destroy it?"

"No," Quinn hissed. "It's safer if you keep it. When things settle down and it’s safe, I’ll come find you, and I’ll get it from you. And you’ll get your money.”

What in the fuck? “I want fifty.”

He hesitated on the other line. “What?”

“You heard me. Fifty grand. You were not clear about this mission ahead of time, and now you’re saying I’m in danger? Your first offer wasn’t enough. Sitting on this wasn’t part of the plan.”

He sighed. “Fine. But I just can’t give you a hard timeline on when I’ll be back.”

So I would need to figure out an alternative plan in the meantime. “Okay.”

“But listen,” Quinn said. “This is going to sound backward and crazy...but you're safer with Lucas. Less people will suspect you're the hacker if you're with him."

My brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?"

"Lucas Wilson. I saw the news. You're dating him."

I was unsure how to respond to that. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Oh, shit," Quinn hesitated. "You don't know?"

My heart leapt into my throat. "Know what?"

"What Lucas does for work. You don’t know?”

That’s what had been bothering me. The news had mentioned his job, something I’d never fully looked into until now. “No.” I suddenly knew this information was going to be bad.

Quinn continued, “Lucas owns a cyber security company, Olive. He created a program that covers all the politician's computers in Boston. Including Mayor Isaacs. You hacked into Lucas's security program. And he's working withIsaacs to search for the hacker."

The room started to spin.

Quinn's words meant only one thing...Lucas was searching for me.