There was a reason the marks for my jobs were strangers. Any type of connection carried the risk of complicating things.

Lucas glanced down at his watch. "Shit. I have a meeting that I have to get to."

My heart twisted. Had I already fucked this up before it started?

"Oh, no worries."

"It was so good seeing you, Olive."


He hesitated, glancing around the bar. "Hey, I know this is random, but are you busy this Saturday? It's just so nice seeing you, and I feel like we didn't really get a chance to catch up."

Fuck, yes.

I pretended to consider my plans. "I think I'm free, actually. What do you have in mind?"

His eyes lit up. "Oh, a friend of mine is throwing a little party."

A little party? That's all he was going to tell me before bringing me to the mayor's gala? Shit...what if it was a different party?

"Actually, I'm lying," he laughed. "It's kind of a big thing. A bit on the fancy side. I know this might sound weird, but would you want to come as my date?"

"That doesn't sound weird at all. It actually sounds nice."

He smiled. "So, do you still have the same phone number like Adam?"

"Same number." My brother's name on his lip sounded strange. "Do you and Adam still talk?"

"Oh, yeah. I mean, not all the time, but occasionally." He glanced at his watch again. "I got a new number, but I still have yours. I'll text you for your address and pick you Saturday"

Seven it is. The start of the last job that's going to get me all the money I need. "See you then."

Claire was practically bouncing off the walls as we arrived at the two-story brick townhouse on Saturday afternoon. I couldn't have felt more different, my chest twisting in knots as I lifted my fist to the bold red door.

"You excited?" I asked Claire, tucking her hair behind her ears. She grinned and tugged on her unicorn backpack.

"So excited!" Claire jumped. The door opened, and her bright blue eyes burst open. "Uncle Adam!"

"Claire bear!" Adam was dressed in his usual flannel attire, his light brown hair swept to one side.

"I missed you!" Claire said. Watching how tightly she hugged my brother filled me with more guilt than I wanted to admit.

Adam bent over. "Why don't you go in the kitchen? Uncle Mike is making a pie."

"An apple pie?" Claire asked excitedly.

"An apple pie," Adam nodded. "Just the way you like it."

"Yes!" Claire cried out, sprinting past Adam and into the house without even saying goodbye.

"Be good, Claire," I called out. "I love you!"

Of course, she was too excited to respond. Adam glanced back, a content smile on his face. When he turned back to look at me, his grin faded completely. "She'll be fine, Olive."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and set on crossing my arms instead. "I've never worried about you taking good care of her, Adam."

"That's funny," Adam whispered. "What other reason would you have for not letting me see my niece in three months?"