Our conversation of the day before came to mind.

Lucas, you hired me for a reason. You want to improve your image. You want the best contracts in town for your business, and this is how you do it.

And what if I was gay? Would you say I needed a boyfriend?

Oh, Jesus,Jenny had sighed,If you were gay, this would be so much easier.I was too fucking single. And too fucking white and rich apparently.

Man-whore was the exact word she'd used. I needed to not look like a man-whore if I wanted to increase a reputation that would land me the most respectable contracts.

I barely even slept around. I'd left those days behind after grad school, but I hadn't kept a relationship longer than a few months in ten years. It wasn't a good look, and although my cyber security company was one of the best in the country, it still hadn't reached the level I wanted.

There was only one destination left.

As if Jessie Isaacs knew I was thinking about him, my phone vibrated, his name popping up on the screen.

I wiped my mouth with the silk napkin and scooted my chair back. "Excuse me, I need to take this."

Her eyes must have seen my screen because they burst open. "Is that the mayor calling?"

I had to give her credit. Most of these women didn't know that Jessie Isaacs was the mayor of Boston. She was smarter than she looked—and definitely one I needed to stay away from. The smart ones were driven by a motive deeper than my money. They yearned for power.

Twisting on my most charming smile, I pushed my chair back into the table. "I'll be right back."

As I walked away, I handed my card to our server and waited until I was near the front door before answering the phone. Jessie didn't need to know how desperate I was to work with him. "Jessie, how goes it, bud?"

Jessie's hearty laugh echoed on the other end. "Lucas Wilson, I was hoping you'd answer without me having to leave a message."

"Oh, I'll never send you to voicemail, Jessie. I only save that for the mayor of New York." I still needed to make him feel important—and a little humor didn't hurt.

His next laugh was heartier—and faker—the kind of laugh politicians practiced in the mirror when no one was around. There was a part of him that was probably wondering if I knew the mayor of New York. I had him right where I wanted him.

"See, this is why I like you, Lucas."

"Yeah, well the feeling's mutual, Jessie. What can I do for you tonight, my friend?"

As I emerged into the Boston night, I plucked my valet ticket out of my pocket and handed it to the young kid working the booth front .

Jessie was silent for a second. Please mention the job. "You know, Lucas, I've been thinking about the contract you proposed."

I clenched my first. Fuck yes. This was a good call. "Oh, have you now?"

"I have," Jessie said. "I respect the security system your company created. Hell, I don't think my home computers have ever been so safe...but I'm just not sure how they'll work at the major banks in the state."

What the fuck?

I hesitated, trying to keep my tone even. If I could install my system at the mayor's house, what was stopping me from installing them in the major banks? "Is that right?"

The valet arrived in my Ferrari, revving the engine like all twenty-year-olds did. I was too entrenched in my conversation with Jessie to bitch about it. It’ would just cut his tip in half.

Jessie took a deep breath on the other line. "I'm thinking bigger."

My hand paused inside my coat pocket, my wallet in my hand. "Bigger? What's that mean?"

"I have another idea, one I think you might like better."

I sighed. Get to the punch already. "And what would that be?"

"Three words."