He was the backup that I needed.
I quickly sent off a text.Got any jobs?
His response was immediate.Well, look who it is.
Yeah, yeah, I'm back. But only for one more hit.
I've heard that before.
I exhaled a deep breath.I need a big one, Quinn. The biggest you can get me.
The text bubble appeared on and off for almost four minutes. Four minutes of wondering when my life had taken this turn. Where I switched from self-pity to anger to guilt. To hope. Please, Quinn. Give me something good.
The text vibrated, and I opened it so fast I almost dropped my phone.Meet me at the corner of 5th and Main in twenty.
5th and Main? That was a restaurant district where only the wealthy ate. This was going to be good.I'll be there in fifteen.
When I arrived, Quinn was already waiting. He was a lanky man, with a pimple-covered face and greasy black hair. His smile revealed a mouthful of crooked, stained teeth. "Tsk, tsk, Olive is a bad girl."
I rolled my eyes, and even though I didn't want to admit it, I was happy to see him. He wasn't just a way to a paycheck, he was a friend.
"Yeah, yeah."
"Good to see you, O."
I gave him a side hug. "So what's the job?"
He nodded at the restaurant across the street. "See that table by the front window?" The glass looked in on two men whose faces I couldn't make out with the glare.
"Yeah, I see it."
"The big one, he's hosting a party this weekend. I need you to find a way in. And I'll talk you through it once you're there. Break into his study, log into his computer, and hack a video."
I raised my eyebrows. "What's on the video."
Quinn smirked. "Haven't you been doing this long enough to know it's better not to ask those kind of questions?"
I shrugged. "Just seems like an easy mark."
His grin deepened. "You're the best hacker I got, O. It'll be a challenge, even for you."
"How much?"
"Ten grand."
My heart skipped. "T-ten grand?" I stuttered.
"Ten grand upon delivery. Ten for a bonus if you can get it this weekend at the party. There's a chance you might not get into the party, and you'd have to find alternative ways. The sooner you can get it, the better. If you can, twenty big ones."
I wanted to cry. Twenty grand. That would give me six months of rent and payments for Claire's scholarship. "I'm in."
"Maybe you should look at your target first."
The two men had cashed out and were emerging from the restaurant. As the glare of the sun shifted, my stomach dropped. The fatter of the two—my target—was none other than the mayor of Boston.
But it was the second man I trained my eyes on. He was more muscular, older, but after ten years, he still looked the same.
My mind drifted into the past.