Page 264 of Heartache Duet

She sighs. “Look, if things get too uncomfortable for you, you can ask him to leave. From what you and Trevor have told me, he’s not the kind of guy who would fight you on that. And as far as the whole crying thing, if you feel the need to cry, then cry, Ava. Let it out. And if you want to get angry, then get angry. And if you really want to hump his leg, then… I mean, no judgment, but just be careful. Use protection.”

“I’m not going to have sex with him!”

“Sure, if you say so. You guys—you have a lot of history, but you’ve also had a lot of time in between. You’re basically walking into unknown territory here.”

I groan.



“What are you feeling right now?”

“I don’t know,” I mumble. “I’m nervous, and I’m scared, but I’m also really excited to see him.” I rub the sweat off my brow with the back of my hand. “I just wish I knew how he felt.”

“Well, ask him.”

Ask him… as if it’s that simple.

“It’s the only way you’ll truly know. So… as soon as he walks in, ask him.”

I huff out a breath. “Maybe.”

“It’s going to be okay, Ava. Hey, your brother just got home, one second.” I hear Trevor kiss her quickly, then ask her, “Who are you talking to?”

“Your sister,” she tells him. “She ran into Connor today, and she invited him over for dinner.”

Trevor chuckles, and it grates on my nerves. Static fills the phone line as if he’s taking her phone, and then he says, “Hey.”


“So… Connor’s coming over?”

“Uh huh.”

“Ava, I need to tell you something.”


“When a man ejaculates...”

“You’re such a dick,” I snap. “Bye.” I hang up just as there’s a knock on my door. Shit, shit, shit. I look at the clock. It’s close to 7:30, and I’m late. Stupid four-hour afternoon nap.

I’m not ready. Not even close. Neither is dinner. I wipe my hands on a dish towel and swing open the front door. “Sorry, I’m running behind. I haven’t even started cooking yet, and you’re probably starv—”

“Hi,” he cuts in, leaning against the door frame all cool and calm and, Jesus, he’s so ridiculously handsome it makes me sick. “You’re flustered.” No shit. He’s smiling down at me as if he’s in on a joke only he’s privy to… as if I’m the joke.

I nod, attempt a calming breath. “A little, yeah.”

He returns the nod, peering over my shoulder and into my apartment. I open the door wider, wait for him to step in before closing it behind him. Hands in his pockets, he turns to me, his mouth parting, but before he gets a chance to speak, I say, “How are you… feeling?”

His brow lifts. “How am I feeling?”

“Yeah, like, right this very second. In three words or less. How are you feeling?”

He stares at me, his eyebrows drawn, and Amy is officially the worst advice giver in the world. “I don’t know.” Hands still in his pockets, he shrugs. “Nervous, scared, excited.”

My eyes widen. “How long were you standing outside my door?”