“What?” I ask, eyes wide. Surely, she didn’t say what I think she said.
“Tell him to come here.”
I look at Trevor. He simply shrugs. A lot of help he is.
“Why do you want to see him?” I ask, mystified.
Mom sighs. “Ava. Connor, six-five, here. Now.”
I stand, my mouth agape. I try to form a sentence, but nothing comes.
Mom moves to the kitchen. “Now, Ava.”
Following after her, I say, “Mama, you know that Connor and I aren’t… we’re not… he wouldn’t be expecting to come here. He’s probably out celebrating with the team.”
Mom finishes filling her water bottle from the tap and turns to me. “Ask him.”
Ask him… as if it’s that simple.
It is that simple.
“Okay,” I tell her. “I’ll ask.”
I grab my phone from the coffee table and go to my room. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. It’s not like he hasn’t met her before… but things have changed and ugh.
I dial his number, bring the phone to my ear. It rings and rings and rings, and just when I’m about to hang up, he answers, his voice distant. “Shut up, it’s Ava! Hello?”
“Hey, what’s up?”
In the background, I can hear a couple other boys talking, but he doesn’t seem like he’s in the locker room. It sounds like he’s in his truck. “Are you busy?”
“Ava!” I recognize the voice as Mitch’s, and I’m instantly repulsed. “If this is a booty call, just say so.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Connor snaps. To me, he says, “I’m just driving a few of the guys to the diner. We’re grabbing something to eat. Can I call you after?”
“Um.” After could be hours from now, and Mom will be too tired. “No, it’s okay. I’ll speak to you tomorrow.”
“No, I’m just parking now. I’ll kick the guys out and call you back. One minute, okay?”
“It’s fine, Connor. Do your thing.”
“I’ll call you back.”
He hangs up, and I slump down on the edge of the bed, nerves flying through my veins. Less than a minute later, my phone rings.
“Hey,” I answer. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“Ava, it’s fine. What’s going on?”
“Nothing. It’s stupid… I’ll just tell her you’re busy.”
“Tell who?”