Page 90 of Heartache Duet

Connor: Wait. That was actually really sweet. Thank you.

Ava: No, I take it back.

Connor: How far back?

Ava: What?

Connor: Are we still ending on the climax part because if so… *unzips*

Ava: Goodnight, boyfriend.

Connor: Goodnight, goat.



The kid who messed with me in the cafeteria got a two-day suspension. The first day of his return, he had a little “accident” during gym class and decided to take the rest of the week off. Funny what a handful of laxatives, an underpaid cafeteria worker and two basketball co-captains can achieve. At first, I was mad that Connor and Rhys stooped to that level, but then… fuck that guy.

That was a few weeks ago, and since then, Connor hasn’t asked me to do anything besides let him kiss me goodnight every night, to which I comply. And, if anything, what that kid did to cause my little breakdown just brought Connor and me closer together. Made us stronger. So... thanks, shit-stained-ball-sack kid!

* * *

Connor looks up from his phone when he hears my front door open. I should smile or wave or do something, but I’m too busy arguing with Trevor to do anything else.

“You’re doing it, Ava,” Trevor says, his voice firm, as he opens his truck door. “It’s not an option.”

I shake my head, my jaw tense, nostrils flaring. “Fine!”


I stomp my foot. “I said fine!”


I grunt, “Go to work!”

Trevor scoffs. “Go to school!”

“I am!”

“Good!” he shouts, but there’s no malice left in his tone. Instead, he’s holding back a smile.

My defenses crack, just a tad, because we’re arguing over something so important to him because he thinks it should be important to me. This morning, he handed me a piece of paper with a dollar amount on it, and when I asked him what it was, he told me it was my budget for college applications. I reminded him that it was useless, and he reminded me that I already promised him I’d do it… hence the pointless argument that in the end, I know I’ll lose. Because just like everything else Trevor does, he only does it for me. “I love you, you idiot.”

Trevor laughs and says, before closing his door, “I love you, too, you brat.”

Connor’s wide-eyed by the time I get to him. “Man, if that’s what having a sibling is like… I’m kind of glad I’m an only child.”

I mumble, my brow furrowed, “Good morning, boyfriend.”

And he responds, “Hmm. Neither your face nor your voice leads me to believe there’s anything good about this morning.”

I kiss him quickly and make my way to the passenger’s side of his car, where I get in, slam the door, and pout, my arms crossed, nose in the air.

Connor gets in after me. “You know, if you weren’t so damn cute, I’d agree with Trevor. You are a brat.”

“Shut up,” I say, but I’m half laughing because I’m so fucking tired, I’m delusional. “I’ve had, like, an hour’s sleep,” I say through a sigh. I grab his hand, settle it on my thigh where he usually keeps it. “Sorry, I’m grumpy.”