Page 24 of Heartache Duet

Connor: Me too! You should check out some podcasts. I listen to them on the way to and from school.

Ava: Shut up! Me too. Casefile is my favorite.

Connor: Mine too! The narrator…

Ava: So intense.

Connor: So good.

Ava: Lol

Connor: Cool.

Ava: Cool.

Connor: So.

Ava: So…

Connor: How are you?

Ava: Oh, you know, living the dream.

Connor: Money.

Ava: Money?

Connor: I don’t know. I’m trying really hard to sound cool here.

Ava: lol. What are you doing?

Connor: Homework.

Ava: Want me to let you go?

Connor: Hell no.

Connor: Wait.

Connor: Are you busy?

Ava: Not at all. I was doing the same. Could use the break.

Connor: Yeah?

Ava: Yeah.

Connor: So.

Ava: So.

Connor: We’re nailing this whole conversation thing.

Ava: I know, right? It’s… dare I say… money.

Connor: Are you teasing me?

Ava: A little. Don’t hate.