Jo smiles at us, then looks up at me. “She said you’re not her boyfriend.”
“She said that, huh?”
Jo’s shoulders bounce with her giggle. “Yep.”
I lift my chin, look down at her. “So, what are you going to feed me tonight?”
“Neighbor’s dog shit.”
Ava giggles into my chest.
I say, “Mmm-mmm. My favorite!”
“What about tacos?” she asks.
Every phone in the house goes off with an alert. Mine’s still in Ava’s room, and so I wait for Ava and Trevor to read whatever is on their screens.
“You lucky bastards,” Trevor mumbles.
“School’s canceled today,” Ava says, showing me her phone.
I read the message: Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be no classes held at St. Luke’s Academy today, February… Another message comes through, this one from Rhys, and without thinking, I open it. It’s a picture of a huge three-foot rubber dick stuck on the main and only doors to the school. I bust out a laugh and show Ava. She does the same and shows Trevor.
“What’s so funny?” Jo asks, trying to look at the phone.
Trevor hands it back to Ava without showing her.
“Someone just did a stupid prank at the school,” Ava tells her mom.
“Show me.”
“No, Mama, it’s inappropriate.”
“Show me!”
I say, “Show her. It’s funny.”
Ava sighs, shows her mom the picture. Jo’s eyes go wide.
Ava looks up at Trevor. “Well, I guess we can call Krystal and tell her not to come.”
“Nah,” Trevor says, “the agency needs twenty-four hours’ notice, or they’ll still charge us.”
“Go!” Jo urges.
Ava rears back at her response. “Go where?”
“Anywhere. You two,” Jo says, pointing between Ava and me. “You go. Be kids. Have fun.”
“Are you sure, Mama?” Ava asks, but I can already hear the excitement in her voice. An entire day for us to spend together, unrestricted. We’ve only had this opportunity one other time, and it was the greatest day of our lives.
“I’m sure,” Jo says, her voice softening. “You need it. You deserve it.”
“Thank you, Miss D.” I raise my hand for a high five, expecting her to return it.
Instead, she grasps my hand, places it right on her scars, and looks up at me. “You know why I like you, Connor?”