Page 130 of Heartache Duet

I can’t fight back the sob in time. “I was.”

“Oh, honey,” she coos, wrapping me in her arms. “I wish I could fix this for you.”

I sniff back the pain and wipe my eyes on her shoulder. “Thank you for listening,” I whisper. “I’ve missed having you around.”

She sighs, strokes my hair. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Trevor knocks on the door and doesn’t wait for a response. I make sure my eyes are clear before pulling away. “Did you tell her?” he asks Amy.

Amy shakes her head, gets up to stand next to him.

I look up at the both of them. “Tell me what?”

“Amy and her family have asked me to visit over Thanksgiving. Do you think you’ll be okay if I go?” He takes Amy’s hand in his, and they both watch me, eyes wide. Trevor adds, “Peter’s offered to stay with you.”


I swallow, nervous, unease flowing through my veins. But when I look at them, at the strength of their love and the hope in their hearts, I say, “Of course you can go, you idiot.”



It’s the final period of the last day before Thanksgiving break and every one of my classes has been a washout. Even the teachers are already in holiday mode. The PA sounds with an alert for an announcement, and Principal Brown’s voice crackles through the speakers. He starts with the general greeting, followed by a bunch of uninteresting reports, and then he says, “And a special shout-out to our very own Connor Ledger, who’ll be spending the break at the Crossland Invitational in Indiana.” I bury my head in my hands while everyone around me cheers. Face red with embarrassment, I glance up when he adds, “With only a hundred students from across the country selected to experience this once in a lifetime opportunity, it should be noted how very proud we are of you. Great job, Connor! Everyone else, have a safe and enjoyable break. We’ll see you on the other side… well-rested, I hope.”

My phone vibrates in my pocket, again and again, but I don’t check it. Part of Dad’s punishment for throwing my old one at the wall and smashing it was replacing it with a bright pink flip phone from the year four. It has physical buttons—ones you have to press numerous times to get the right letter to appear.

When the final bell rings, everyone rushes out the doors, their excitement evident in the cheers and hollers. I head out to the student parking lot to meet up with Rhys, who’s been giving me rides to and from school ever since my car died and Dad and I deemed it not worthy of fixing. And even though Dad’s car sits in the driveway when I’m at school because he’s at home asleep, he refuses to let me drive it—another part of my punishment. This one for damaging my shooting hand. The downside to getting rides is that Rhys likes to hang around after school, shooting the shit with the rest of the guys. Me? I just want to get home.

“Our very own Conner Ledger, everyone!” Mitch announces, his hands cupped around his mouth as I make my way toward them.

I shake my head, narrow my eyes at him.

“Aww, but we’re all so proud of you!” Karen says through a giggle, ruffling my hair as I walk past her to dump my bag in Rhys’s car.

“That wasn’t embarrassing at all,” I murmur.

Rhys laughs, pretends to take a crown off his head and place it on mine. “You’re the king of the school now.”

Mitch scoffs, takes the imaginary crown and throws it on the ground, then stomps on it. “I was always the king, you fuckers.”

“King of the asshole patrol,” Oscar chimes.

“Fuck off,” Mitch huffs.

I chuckle. “Get mad about it, you overcooked six-pack of Chicken McNobodies.”

Karen busts out a laugh, her hand going to my shoulder to keep upright.

“Speaking of king of the school,” Rhys says, motioning to a car pulling right up to the school steps.

I recognize the car and immediately stand taller.

Rhys adds, “What’s Peter Parker doing here?”

“Ava’s Peter?” Mitch comments.

My brow dips. “What do you mean Ava’s Peter?”