Page 8 of Pieces of Me

He’s sitting on the edge of my bed in the RV while I sit at the table, staring down at all the puzzle pieces. After Holden had asked if I’d ever finished it, I’d practically run to my RV, drove to the diner, and stormed right into the kitchen as if I owned the place. I found Zeke where one could typically find him: behind the grill with a spatula in his hand. “I need that last thing.”

Zeke didn’t bat an eyelid at my request. Instead, he simply led me to his office and removed the ugly-ass painting hanging on the wall to reveal the hidden safe.

I hate that stupid safe.

There are only three material items I possess that mean anything to me, and until I met Holden, there was only one. When I left, I’d given Zeke two of them. One was to be stored, and one was to be given to Holden. The last item, I couldn’t quite let go of. It’s spent every day of the past five years always with me. In my hand. In my pocket. Somewhere I could always get to it.

“Here you go,” he’d said, handing me the jigsaw puzzle box. “It’s exactly as you left it.”

That interaction took place no more than a few minutes ago, and now… now his question hangs between us:Why is it so important now?

I flick a few puzzle pieces around with my index finger and try to keep my voice even. “No reason.”

“Bullshit, Jamie,” he scoffs. “This morning, when you left, you said you were going to Esme’s. Did something happen while you were there?”

I love Zeke. In so many ways, for so many reasons, and this is one of them. He has a way of pushing for my truths without pushing me over the edge.

After a sharp inhale, I look up at him, right into his eyes. I’ve come and gone more times in the past five years than I can count. And not once has he judged me or asked me to stay or demanded to know what the fuck it is I’ve been doing with my life. “Holden was there.”

Wide-eyed, his voice doubles in volume when he asks, “At the house?”

I nod.

He runs a hand over his beard as he dips his head, sighs. “What was he doing there?”

“I mean… the houseishalf his now, so…”

His head snaps up. “You mean she left youandhim—”

My nod cuts him off.

“You must’ve left that part out.” He watches me a moment, scrutinizing. “That’s a little odd. He hasn’t been around since—”

“I know,” I cut in.

“Did they keep in contact while—”

“Not that I know of.”

“And why didn’t you tell me?”

I shrug. Surely, he should know why I wouldn’t bring up Holden’s name—especially tohim.

“Jamie,” he says through a chuckle, his eyes lighting up with amusement. “I have nothing against the guy.”

I almost roll my eyes.Almost. “Hepunchedyou, Zeke.”

“He was an angry kid.” Zeke shrugs, his body deflating slightly. “Hell, if I was put in his position, I would’ve punched something too.”

I give him a toothy, completely disingenuous grin. “Thanks.”

Zeke returns my sarcastic response with one of his own. “You’re welcome.” He laughs to himself before adding, “I liked Holden. I probably liked him even moreafterthe punch. It just showed how much he cared about you.”

I stay quiet, having nothing to say.

“You want to know why I liked him?” he edges.

There’s no need for a response—he’s not waiting for one.