The problem with having parties at Billy’s house is that it’s only two blocks from mine. Add that to the fact that it’s been a minute since I gave myself permission to let loose, and well… I’ll for sure be stumbling home tonight.
If I make it there at all.
A girl is standing in front of me, talking to me, her hands animated, and I have no clue what the hell she’s saying. I don’t even know who she is. Honestly, I don’t even think it matters because she isn’t Jamie.
Whoa.That realization hits hard, and I’m suddenly regretting my consumption of illicit substances because there’s no way I can get to her tonight.
“I have to pee,” I tell the random brunette and don’t bother waiting for a reply before shuffling to the bathroom. Clearly, I’m not thinking straight because I don’t lock the door, and it opens while I have my dick out, mid-stream. “Occupied,” I mumble, and the door closes again.
But the person who opened it hasn’t left. “You’re doing the Outreach Club with that Jameson girl, right?”
My headswivelstoward the voice. “Jesus, Bethany. I’m a little busy right now.”
She doesn’t move. “I’ll wait.”
I shift slightly, blocking her view of my cock. She doesn’t say a word as I finish and flush. I’m halfway through washing my hands when she asks, “What’s she like?”
“Oh my god,” I whisper, rolling my eyes. I dry my hands in my hair and face her, my arms crossed as I lean against the counter. “This is very much a you-and-Dean problem and not at all a you-and-me-and-even-her problem.” I don’t know if that even made sense. I don’t care.
“Just tell me,” she says, her loose blonde hair swaying as she mimics my position, arms crossed, leaning against the wall opposite me.
“She’sgood, I guess,” I almost laugh out. “She’s…”Not you. And not at all in a bad way. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“Did you know about her?”
“I feel like I’m being interrogated.”
“Did you, Holden?” she says, and I can’t help but feel bad for her.
“So Dean never mentioned it?”
“Would you have told me if you knew?”
I drop my head, close my eyes, and pretend to snore because fuck this.
I heave out a sigh, look back at her. “Honestly, probably not.”
She nods at this as if understanding. I don’t know how she could. Lowering her hands to her side, she pushes off the wall, takes a step closer to me.
I narrow my eyes at her. If she’s about to try to use me to get to Dean, then fuck them both.
“Do you know if she knew about me?”
“No,” I state. “She didn’t know you existed.”
“So you’ve talked about it?”
“Bethany… I have nothing against you personally, but don’t drag my ass into this. Like I said, this is a you-and-Dean problem. Talk to him.”
She takes another step forward. “Did he love her?”