Page 38 of Pieces Of You

Fun? There’s that word again. I raise my eyebrows. “I’d hate to think of what your definition of fun is.”

He steps closer again. “What if I invited you to watch my football game?”

“Why the hell would you wantmethere?”I scoff.

He rolls his eyes. “Fine. What if I invited you to a party or something?”

My nose scrunches at the thought.

He chuckles, low and slow. “Or what about adate?”

Now I’m the one laughing, loud and unrestrained.

He pokes at my side. “What’s so funny?”

“You?” I say, pointing at his chest. “Taking a girl on adate?”

“I date,” he states, matter-of-factly.

Well, color me shocked. “You do?”

“Yeah, if I like a girl, then wedate, Deloris.”

“Ah, so the sexcapades are just for the times in-between.”

He’s watching me, staring again. “Pretty much, yeah.”

There’s one thing about Holden that I’m utterly jealous of: his ability to not give a shit about what people think of him. I find it fascinating. And admirable. “Huh.”


I glance sideways, then back at him. “So… what?” I hesitate to ask.

His exaggerated eye roll makes me giggle. “What if I asked you on a date? Could you get time off work?”

I sigh, give in to the truth—even though it’ll hurt me. “You don’t want to date me, Holden.”

Clearly perplexed, he stands right in front of me, his hands finding my waist again. “Why not?”

Because I’m so many levels of fucked-up, he can’t even begin to comprehend.I don’t tell him that.Obviously.

At my non-response, he says, “You know Dean said something similar.” My gaze drops, and he bends his knees, ducking, so I have no choice but to see him. “He said that I wouldn’t be able tohandleyou.”

I hate the weakness in my voice when I tell him, “He knows you better than I do, so maybe he’s right.”

“Hmm,” he says. Then adds, “And he knowsyoubetter than I do, right?”

“I guess.”

Holden shakes his head, then cracks the tiniest of smiles. “Hey, remember when you kissed me?”

I roll my eyes, a short laugh bubbling out of me. “We’re back to this again?”

“I’m pretty sure I said that Ilikedyou because you were complicated.”

“Yeah, right before you said that you like the way I challenge you.” I find the courage to look up at him, right into his eyes. “Is that what I am to you—a challenge you have to win?”

“God, you’re annoying,” he almostgrowls, his arms tightening around me, leaving nothing between us. “Why are you like this?”