"Then come with me," she smiled, taking his hand. "We shall just snoop around a little. We did not come all this way to turn around now." He had to admit she was right. She knew it. And he knew it. She looked at him in that victorious way which meant that she already knew she had won this argument. It was merely a matter of time before he would acquiesce.
"Just a little," he pointed out with his index finger, but he knew he had lost. "Just until we found some evidence of the identity of the person living here. Then, we head out. Understood?"
"Understood," she nodded, pretending to be all serious, but in fact, she was more excited than ever. He had to admit that it was rubbing off of him as well. Breaking into this house was far more interesting than merely walking into it. But they had to be vigilant.
"Stay close to me, Leah," he instructed. "So many things could go wrong, and I want none of them to happen."
They looked around to see whether anyone was paying attention to them, but the street was empty. If they were going to enter into someone's home uninvited, now was the perfect moment. They found a broken part of the fence and entered the courtyard. The house was right there, overlooking the street. There were windows in the front, but none of them were reachable.
"We should start in the back," Leah suggested.
Edward tilted his head to look at her, with an amused look on his face. "If I didn't know any better, I would think this wasn't the first time you were breaking into someone's home, my dear."
Leah chuckled. "I read a lot of mystery novels," she said, shrugging. "There is always someone in there, entering houses and places he or she isn't invited to."
"I just hope this does not come back to haunt us," Edward mused aloud.
"If it does, we shall cross that bridge when we get to it," Leah assured him, grabbing him by the hand, so that now, they were both running around the outer walls of the house, in an effort to find a suitable window they could squeeze in through. Fortunately or not, they did manage to find one.
Leah stood with her hands resting on her hips. "I could squeeze in through that one," she gestured at the lowest window.
Edward took a closer look. It looked doable. He walked over to the window, wondering what they would use to break it. There were some stones around, resting in the garden. However, the moment he approached it, he noticed that it wasn't closed properly. He pressed one side, and it swung open on the inside, giving them access to the house.
"Can you imagine this stroke of good luck?" Edward pointed at the window.
"Maybe we have guardian angels helping us," Leah smiled.
He knew who she was referring to. However, he also knew that sometimes, good luck might be hiding even worse luck. So, he reminded himself silently to be even more vigilant now. Because who would leave an entire house unattended and then forget to close the window properly? It just didn't seem to make much sense.
"I shall go inside first," he instructed. "Then, when I give the sign that it is safe, you shall join me." He said it in a voice that did not allow for any backtalk. Fortunately, she understood his reasoning and simply nodded in agreement.
He lifted himself up with his hands and upper body strength, then swung himself over the window and into the house. He fell to the ground silently, but he still froze in place, waiting to see if someone would come running, or even worse, if perhaps there was a guard dog somewhere around.
Seconds passed slowly. He counted them in his mind. Once he counted to ten, he was appeased, at least up to a certain point. Because he could never feel calm under the circumstances. After all, he was in someone else's home, uninvited. This wasn't something he ever thought he would catch himself doing, but he did think that Leah was right. They came all the way here. They could not go back home empty handed.
"All right," he came back to the window, urging her to come in. Instantly and with much more ease than him, she mirrored his actions, landing on her feet like a ballerina. He could see the excitement on her face. She relished doing things like this. She loved the thrill and the rush. He liked it as well; however, he was much more grounded than she was. He was the one who had to keep them both safe.
"This looks like a library," Leah noticed, looking around the room where they entered. "A very poorly furnished library."
He had to agree. There were numerous bookshelves adorning the walls, but there were barely any books there. The curtains were missing as well. The carpet seemed like something someone found in the garbage. It looked old and worn out, and completely unusable.
"Maybe whoever owns this home purchased it recently, with all the previous owner's things, and is just now refurbishing the entire place," he suggested.
"Possibly," Leah nodded. She paced about the room, checked a few books on the bookshelf, but found nothing. "We need to go to another room."
"I go first," he was quick to say. "Stay close behind."
She nodded, approaching him and standing immediately behind him. They walked slowly, opening the door and peering into the corridor. Everything was quiet. Eerily so. Still nothing gave the impression that the house was anything but vacant. The owners, whoever they were, did not seem to be here.
Edward looked to the left. He noticed several closed doors. "We should start there," he pointed.
"Let's," she urged, silently reminding him that they did not have much time. They needed to be as quick as possible.
They reached the first door to the left and opened it. Edward didn't know why, but he expected it to be locked. It wasn't. He walked in first, followed by Leah.
"A study," she pointed out the obvious.
"Yes," he agreed, walking over to the writing table by the window. He had to say he liked it. Whoever owned it had great taste. It was massive, made of old, darkened oak, with intricate carvings on the legs and the sides. He lowered his fingers and went over the carved details. They were truly marvelous. "This writing table must have cost a fortune."